An Old Alley

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A few hours later.

"I have a good feeling about this island," Fishlegs excitedly said.
"That's what you said about the last five islands!" Snotlout shouted.
"Isn't my fault. I'm an optimist guy. I'm a "yak bladder half full" kind of guy," Fishlegs said.
"I don't mean to burst your yak bladder, but does anyone consider what will we're gonna do if we actually find this Razorwhip?" Astrid asked.
"You can marry it," Tuff replied.
"And what if Dagur's riding it?" Astrid joked.
"Well, then Ruffnut can have him. It will be complicated, but I will one day learn to love him as my own," Tuff said.
"Um, Tuffnut..." Astrid started.
"Like a little babe, a child that I carry in my arms. But he's too heavy," Tuff continued.
"I wouldn't worry about them babe. They're idiots. But me and you however..." Snotlout said.
"Don't even say it, Snotlout, or I'm pulling you off Hookfang," Astrid said.
"Okay, shutting up," Snotlout said.
"Guys, focus," Hiccup said.
"Yeah. My bride could be on that island," Tuff said.
"Speaking of the island, there's smoke!" Hiccup shouted.
"That means a campfire," Astrid said.
"This dragon builds campfires?" Ruff asked.
"Hiccup, please give me the "Twins serve a purpose" speech again. Quickly?" Astrid asked.
"Yeah! I've only heard the "Twins are muttonheads" speech, which is also very good," Tuff said.
"Okay," Hiccup said.
"Okay, or you don't have to?" Ruff asked.
"I'm not giving a speech?" Hiccup shouted before flying on.

On the island.

"There's a lot of gold here," Snotlout said.
"It could be the loot from the ship," Astrid suggested.
"And these gashes look familiar," Fishlegs said.
"Alright, gang, let's split up and search the island for our rogue rider and his Razorwhip._He can't be far away. Fishlegs, you and Meatlug stay here, signal if they come back," Hiccup ordered.
"You got it," Fishlegs said.

A few minutes later

"This isn't weird at all Stormfly, is it?" Astrid asked walking through part a forest.
"Why didn't Hiccup assign someone or himself to help because we could miss something. Hey! Where are you going?" she asked running after her dragon.

"Tracks? They look pretty fresh. Stay sharp, Stormfly," Astrid said before rustling came from the bushes. Stormfly ran over to investigate.
"Not again. Stormfly come here."
They were lead over to an opening in a cliff.
"Is that... chicken?" she asked.
Rocks started to fall behind her and a silver spiky tail could be seen.

"Hey! Stormfly, fire and try not to hit me," Astrid said running behind her.

30 minutes later

Astrid came up to where they landed to see a soaked Snotlout trying to get Fishlegs out of a tree.

"What happened?" she asked.
"I was left to dangle here," Fishlegs said.
"And I was rolled into a river when nature was calling. What about you?" Snotlout asked.
"Trapped in a cliff because Stormfly got distracted by chicken," she explained.

"There's a logical explanation for that," Hiccup said landing with the Razorwhip behind him.
"Hiccup, you do that there is a..." Fishlegs said.
"Yes, I do. Everyone meet Heather," Hiccup said gesturing over to the Razorwhip.
"Heather?" Astrid asked.
"How could you roll me into a river?!" Snotlout screamed.
"And trap me in a cave!" Astrid shouted.
"You left me dangling in a tree!" Fishlegs exclaimed.
"And I have to admit, the chicken move brought back some memories," Astrid said.

"Now would be the time for that really good reason," Hiccup said to Heather.
"Look. I've been living on my own out here for years and I made more than few enemies.
I didn't want you guys to be involved. I needed to send you back to Berk," she explained.
"You couldn't have just, I don't know, said that?" Snotlout asked.
"Would you have listened?" Heather added.
"She does have a point. We're pretty stubborn group," Astrid said.
"I don't listen to anyone!" Snotlout exclaimed.

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