"And do you believe the Jedi were right about Galen?" He asked.

"I believe that he was very strong with the Force indeed. I also believe that if he would have been allowed to go with the Jedi, he wouldn't t have made those terrible mistakes. He would have been more." She said.

Luke nodded. "I see."

"Galen did believe strongly in the Force, but because of his work he was never able to open himself to it."

"Is that why you are supportive of your son coming with us?" Raina asked.

Mrs. Rehala nodded. "Yes. I've always been able to tell that Jacen was strong with the Force. He would always have these incredible instincts. I knew it wasn't just coincidence. I don't want to fail Jacen like my parents failed Galen." She admitted.

"You are making a very honorable and generous decision Mrs. Rehala. We thank you. And your son is very lucky to have a mother like you."

Mrs. Rehala smiled. "Thank you."

Luke looked over to Raina, then back to Jacen's mother. "Well, is there anything you would like to know about the Jedi or. . .?"

"No. I can see that you are true Jedi and that my son will be safe with you. You have full permission to take him with you to Coruscant."

Luke smiled gratefully. "Thank you Mrs. Rehala."

Raina and Luke both stood. "I'm afraid we must leave now to get our ship ready and finish our packing. Let your son know that we will be back to pick him up around four." Luke told the woman.

She nodded. "I will. Good day, Masters." She bowed her head.

Luke and Raina both bowed. "Good day and May the Force be with you." Luke said.
"Come along Artoo." He told the droid.

The three of them left.

Later that day after they had packed Luke and Raina went back to the Rehala house to pick up Jacen. He was already outside waiting with his mother.

"It's time, Jacen." Luke announced masterfully.

Jacen nodded and turned to his mother. She had tears in her eyes, but looked very proud. Raina and Luke turned away to let them say there goodbyes.

After a few minutes Jacen walked to them. "I'm ready."

He nodded.

They said their goodbyes to Mrs. Rehala and headed off to their ships.

Jacen's mother let him take his fathers old one-maned ship while Luke and Raina took their X-Wings. After firing up their engines, they all left for Coruscant.

Once they arrived on Coruscant they were met by Han and Leia. Luke walked up to his sister and they embraced, while Raina stood back with Jacen. She could feel how uncomfortable he was and wanted to give him some comfort.

"That's Princess Leia, Luke's twin sister." She informed the young boy.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed."

Raina laughed. He was right Leia and Luke looked nothing alike.

Just then Han came over to Raina. "Hey!" He greeted her.

She smiled and hugged him. "Hi, Han."

"So who's the kid?" He asked eyeing the boy.

Raina smiled and looked at Jacen. "Han, this is Jacen Rehala. Jacen this is General Han Solo."

Han reached out and shook Jacen's hand. "Good to meet ya' kid. So I take it you've come to join up with these two."

Jacen nodded. "Yes sir, I have."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now