02. Shark teeth

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Haru got out of the pool with the help of his best friend, Makoto. A red-headed boy with sharp teeth came up behind him and said "Hey, you're Haruka, right?"

Haru turned around "actually I g- you have shark teeth."

The ginger made a face and replied "so what?! You make it sound like a bad thing! These things are sexy!" Haru kind of laughed "sorry... What was your name?" "Matsuoka Rin." "I see.... Well call me Haru.... Haruka is too girly." Rin giggled and poked Haru's cheek. "Haru, huh? That means spring. Hahaha it goes with your eyes!" Haru kind of blushed. Is this Rin guy hitting on him? He wasn't wrong.... His teeth are sexy. "U-uh.. Well...." "Hahaha! You're shy!" "Shut up! I am not!" "Yes you are." "Nuh uh." "Uh huh."

Makoto, getting sick of this pointless argument, yelled "both of you! This is pointless." Rin decided to change the subject "So Haru, what your favorite animal?" "Dolphins." "Nice." "What's your favorite, Rin?" "Oh sharks definitely! They're so fierce and powerful!" "So that's why you like your teeth so much....."

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