21. Sayonara, Haru

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"Tch... dammit!"

I slammed my fist down on the table, choking back tears. I can't believe this.

How could this happen...?

To Haru, of all people?

"R-Rin... it's okay to cry..." Makoto told me, with tears streaming down his cheeks. Nagisa and Rei were crying and holding each other, and Makoto was trying to console me.

"H-how the... He's Haru! H-he... no! M-Makoto that's impossible..."

Haru, please... don't leave me...

"H-his body hasn't been found yet... after that storm, it's probably somewhere in the o-ocean..."

I give up... I laid my head on the table, not even trying to cover up the fact I was in pain and crying.

We were all crying. How the hell am I supposed to tell Momo, Ai, and Sousuke?

Haru... where are you now?

I never got to tell you...

"R-Rin! Stop! Pl - please don't hurt yourself!" Makoto yelled as he pried my hands from my hair. That pain cannot amount to the pain I'm feeling, anyway...

Oh god, it hurts. This searing pain that I can't place. It's so hot and it makes me want to tear my hair out.

"I-I never got to tell him, Makoto..."

"Wh-what? Tell him what, R-Rin?" He sat next to me and put his arm around me.

He changed my life. Haru... He helped me see light after my dad's death, he gave me something to look forward to. He was nice to me even when I screamed and cried and was just so....

"I-I..." I cried more. Maybe if I say it outloud, somehow maybe Haru will hear me... "I l-loved him! Oh god, M-Makoto, please! Bring him back! I need to tell him! Haru, please I love you, I love so god damn much please, just come back!"

I cried and cried and cried. No one questioned me, no one was surprised, we just cried more.

Nanase Haruka, the silent, cool, young man with a gift. His swimming could stop wars, make the world go round, it was beautiful.

He was beautiful. Why would such a beauty have to leave us?

Makoto hugged me. I know he feels the pain I'm feeling. We both loved Haru. I can't believe he's gone.

Without him everything is just kind of....

Meaningless. Worthless. Useless. Loveless.

I love him. I love Haru. I want to go with him. Please, Haru, I can't stand this pain. Please, take me with you. I want to swim with you again, I want to feel the way I felt every time I looked at you. I miss your eyes. Your voice, your hair, your swimming, your indifferentness, everything.

Hell, you are my everything.

Just... please, Haru. Please come back to me. Or I'll have to come to you.

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