25. Cobalt Scarf

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Haruka looked up to the charcoal colored sky, enjoying the light fluffy snow falling all around him. He looked over at his shivering friend. Rin always did get cold easily.

He tried his best to keep his hands warm, breathing into his maroon glove-clad hands. As they walked side by side, an icy wind blew. Rin shivered even more.

Haruka unwrapped his cobalt blue scarf from his neck, and wrapped it around his shivering companion. Said boy looked over at Haru with a questioning gaze. His cheeks were a dusty shade of pink, although that could've been from being cold.

"You're giving me your scarf...?"

The ebony haired boy looked away from his friend.

"...Your shivering was distracting me."

Rin smiled. They both knew that wasn't the case. He cared for the boy. He didn't want him to get sick.

"Thank you, Nanase-kun."

He nodded, and looked back up to the sky. The wind was beginning to pick up and the snow was getting heavier.

"Won't you be cold, though?"

Without much thought, Rin took Haruka's hand in his, trying to give him some kind of warmth.

"Cobalt and maroon go good together, don't you think, Nanase-kun?"

Haru nodded. He had always like those colors together.

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