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  • Dedicated to Victor and Ivy, my parents:)


The ZED's boss reached for the half-filled glass. He casually brought the swirling brown liquid to his lips as he heard a loud knock. 

''Come in.'' He commanded and took a big gulp of the whisky. He would need it.  

He placed the glass down, now empty, and the door opened. His lips parted in a smile, revealing his full set teeth. 

He said, ''Ah, welcome.'' He watched as his 'guests' were shoved into his fancy office. 

''Sir...?'' Richard addressed him as his eyes roamed over the dimly lit room. The office had a surprisingly warm ambience to it. At his wife's further left, he saw a fireplace with actual flames dancing on the wood. There was a red and expensive arm chair before it.  

Atara stood beside her father, with her eyes only fixed on the middle aged man standing behind his mahogany desk. He stood a couple of meters directly away from where they were standing by the door. 

The middle aged man who was believed to be dead addressed them in a friendly fashion. ''Come on you three, have a sit.'' He pointed at three office-like chairs situated before his own desk. 

Atara didn't move and neither did Louisse or Richard. They were still in shock. 

Mayor Larken's smile did not falter. ''You all look like you've seen a ghost.'' He chuckled, but the faces of his 'guests' remained passive. ''Come on now, we are wasting valuable time. Let's have a chat.'' 

Richard began to walk towards the seats. Atara noticing her mother slowly following him, she shrugged and lifted her feet as well. Richard sat in the middle seat and Atara sat at his right, while Louisse sat at the left. Their eyes never left the smiling mayor.  

''May I offer you tea, coffee or wine? The drinks will come with scones and cakes or whatever you would like.'' Atara studied the chubby and balding man carefully. If they weren't at the ZED's HQ and if it was a less confusing circumstance, she would have said yes to the food offer.  

Richard spoke in an unsure tone, after a minute or so. ''No thanks, sir. We are good.''  

''Really? Even you Louisse?'' He glanced at Richard's left.  

''Am good.'' 

His eyes now rested on Atara, ''and you?'' She shook her head. Atara didn't want to drink anything from the man who had a gun at her forehead minutes ago. He had threatened to blow her brain out. 

''Alright then, I am not going to force you.'' He commented almost sadly. However the smile remained on his lips. Atara noted that it didn't reach his eyes. ''Okay, let's get down to business.'' 

His 'guests' glanced at each other with blank expressions. They just wanted to be clear about the whole ordeal, especially the part where he managed to stay alive. 

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