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Atara looked down to her feet in curiosity as she walked and noticed that she had stepped on a little stick. She looked back up and focused on ahead as she walked, trying to blend in and seem as nonchalant as possible. 

She observed how the city center was so much busier on a Friday afternoon; people were bustling about into and out of shops, street venders were everywhere selling their merchandise and the traffic was at its worst. The weather was a little warmer on that day but the past week had been cold and rainy. The grey clouds covered the whole sky with a little blue peeking out here and there. 

She hadn't told anyone about the incident yesterday with the bank robbers. She knew that Louisse would probably criticize her for acting on impulse with that robber who punched her right cheek and she would not have a comeback because it was true. She acted rush- trying to save the day. That guy was actually very kind to let her live; he would have killed her if he wanted to.

She could imagine what her mother would say, 'Atara how many times should I tell you that is not our problem.' Dear Louisse enjoyed scolding her on her mistakes and she despised it.

Her head and cheek had stopped giving her a hard time with the pain and they only hurt when touched. She got home before Copper yesterday afternoon and quickly cleaned up. She had put a plaster from the first aid kit, over her cheek and when Copper came home; and asked, ''what happened to your face?" she simply shrugged and calmly replied, ''the door.''  

Knowing Copper she would definitely make a big deal out of it if she told her what had happened at the bank and everybody at the base would know, including Louisse. 

Atara slowed down and stopped. She pulled out her phone from her jean back pocket, looking at nothing in particular and with her peripheral vision, observed Principal Walton buying a hot dog from a hot dog stand. The principal had decided to walk today from the bank and he was heading to the park to meet someone. This time he made his transaction without any disturbances and got the money; which he promised someone on the other end of his cell phone that the money would be hand delivered. 

He paid for his hot dog and proceeded walking while eating his food. Atara resumed her following and they crossed the road. Atara could see the green trees and benches just behind a metallic bar wall. They neared the gate and Atara decided to not get in as the Principal pulled out his cell phone and put his ear and proceeded to enter the park. 

''Am here. Where are you?'' 



He removed the phone from his ear and went around the fountain in his path. 

When he was far from her, Atara entered the park as well and many people were enjoying the warmth of the day in the park. Families were eating lunch, kids were running around and some people were walking their dogs and others were reading books and sleeping. She went round the fountain in the path and walked straight following the concrete. 

She spotted Principal Walton sitting down next to another man. They sat on a bench facing the lake in the middle of the park. 

She walked up the grass and approached the big tree just a few feet behind their bench. She pulled the strap of the camera around her neck and held the cannon technology in both hands and pretended to be taking pictures of the tree and the surrounding scenery, but she was really snapping the two men on the bench. 

She sat down underneath the tree's canopy of leaves and branches and listened to their conversation and recorded it on her recording device. 

''So where's the money'', the man with the thick moustache sitting beside the principal asked coolly. 

.The Eraser.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora