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''That's where the new headquarters is.'' Onyx said as he passed the iPad across the dining table to Atara. Her head and body were feeling better as she had eaten a meal hours ago. 

For the past two hours Atara had been sited on the same seat, with her eyes concentrated on the fruit bowl. She was deep in thought as her mind sorted out the possibilities of what the others were experiencing in the hands of their biggest foe. She was certain though, that her parents, Jean and some of the Erasers were probably trying their best to escape at the moment.  

Her head tilted to the right and she grabbed the Apple gadget from his outstretched hands. 

Atara's eyes skeptically scanned over the electronic map of Europe and then she spotted the digitally drawn circle around a certain area. 


Onyx studied her face for any trace of emotion, but he was not surprised to see her neutral expression. He said, ''Yes. I contacted one of the guys and he told me that that's where your friends are being kept hostage.'' 

She traced her index finger over the screen in deep thought and then her brown eyes moved from the gadget to his face. Atara sharply scrutinized Onyx as he lifted a glass of orange juice to his lips. He felt her eyes on him and turned his face from the juice, to her. 

''What?'' he asked curiously. ''Is there something on my face?'' His eyes twinkled in humor, but Atara's expression remained passive. 

''What's the catch?'' she asked, not bothering to assure him that his face was fine, as always. 


''Don't play dumb.'' She replied harshly. '' Why did you bring me to your house and then feed me? And now you are telling me where I can find the other Erasers? I want to know why.'' she folded her arms over her chest and patiently waited for Onyx to answer. 

He did not hesitate as he carefully put the glass down onto the table mat and looked at her straight in the eye, '' because I wanted to.'' 

She scoffed, ''we are not friends Onyx; just because you are being nice- and I don't really know why- does not make us pals again.'' 

''Okay then, I respect your views about me, but I told you that I wanted to help, so that's what I am doing- assisting.'' 

He grabbed his glass again and casually drank his orange juice. Atara watched him carefully. The way he was acting was against everything that she believed in. In her mind, all ZED members were ruthless murderers who only cared about themselves; but the boy with curly hair sited across from her leisurely sipping juice, was a different picture entirely.  

They sat for a long time with neither uttering a word. The wheels in her mind were spinning as she figured out what her next move should be. If he really was being honest with his intel concerning their location, then she had to come up with a way to get to Slovenia and fast. 

She glanced at the stylish digital clock on the caramel wall behind Onyx, and it read '21.17'. 'He must have used the stolen money to buy it.' She automatically frowned deeper with the idea of him using the money he had stolen from the banks for his own luxuries. 

Onyx poured himself more juice and as if hearing her thoughts, he said; ''I bought that clock with my own money.'' 

Her gaze instantly landed on him as she wondered how he had known what she was thinking. ''What?'' she asked slightly caught off guard. 

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