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Atara got an irritated grunt as a response from her partner as they ran up the flight of stairs leading into the front yard of Walton's college. She was telling Copper to walk a little faster. They were late for their Wednesday morning lecture by 46minutes. Copper woke up later than usual and had caused both of them to be tardy in their schedule. 

Atara was vexed, because she hated it when she was behind schedule. She was always on time but Copper on the other hand was the absolute opposite. If the girl was a super hero, her powers would be tardiness Atara thought. 

''See, D.R Barron isn't even in there.'' Copper said as they hurriedly entered through the open door of Lecture theatre 1. The pupils in there were chatting loudly and laughing in a relaxed manner, contrary to what Atara expected to find 50 minutes into the lesson. 

'Where is D.R Barron?' she thought in confusion as she and Copper made their way to the front row which had vacant seats; and for some reason nobody really sat in furthest front seats. 

The moment they sat down the missing lecturer made his way into the theater, down the aisle of steps and onto the raised platform in front of his pupils. 


The loud chatter quieted down into whispers and then silence. 

'' Sorry am late but I was finalizing the issue with the school trip. It seems as if the student bus is unavailable to take us there. We just have to walk'' 

Straight away moans, grunts and voices of protests erupted among the students.

'' Eh! No complaining! We are walking and that's final. The bank we are visiting gave us this morning only, so let's go. We don't want to keep them waiting'' 

Everyone got out of their seats and made their way to the door above. Atara had forgotten that D.R Barron had promised his 150 pupils a school trip to some bank in the city. He said he wanted them to get better understanding on how the bank system worked and to fully know how they managed their own accounts and finances. It wasn't exactly a trip to Disney land but at least they would get to listen to someone else talk for hours other than D.R Barron. 

Atara and Copper stood behind a big mass of students making their way out into the school yard through the double glass doors of the reception. They were just so many of them and they were taking their sweet time to get out. 

'' Miss Rachedi?'' 

Atara whipped her head around to the source of the deep voice behind her. 

D.R Barron touched the pockets of his khaki trousers in a searching manner and then he brought his hand into his matching jacket and pulled out a set of keys. Atara was amused by his choice of clothing. She wondered if he owned so many of the khaki suits or if it was the same outfit that he repeated almost every day. 

'' Yes sir?'' she responded politely. This school really must be that small. D.R Barron was the second person that week to randomly know her name when she had never really spoken to them. She found it a little strange. 

He extended the hand with the set of keys to Atara and she slowly raised her hand, not sure of what the man wanted her to do. '' may you please go back and fetch the register. I think I left it in the drawer of my desk" 

She nodded and grabbed the keys, '' Alright'', she replied as she started to place her right foot forward. 'Old people', she thought in amusement. 

''Sorry if it's a bother, but I have to make sure that everyone here goes to the trip. Don't want anyone skipping it'' 

'' It's no big deal sir.'' Atara smiled. Whatever was in that black package the other day could sure be nothing worth being cautious about. The old smiling man in a khaki suit seemed far from suspicious and harmful; but yet again if there was something that Atara had learnt lately was that no one is as they seem. 

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