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The sky was already a mixture of orange and yellow, signaling the coming darkness when the mechanic finally made it after four hours instead of the three he promised. But no matter the girls and Onyx were just glad that the mechanic would shed some light on the mystery. The engine still spilled so much oil and continued covering the other components when he had arrived. 

Jean had called a couple of times wondering where Atara and copper were. Atara had to explain that they were almost involved in a fatal accident, because there was something wrong with the engine. That explanation disturbed Jean. He had bought the vehicle three months ago from a friend and at that time it didn't show any possible faults. 

'' I think the engine was tampered with'' said the youthful Mechanic in a gruff voice after he examined the situation for more than an hour. Everyone gasped in astonishment. 'Tampered with' Atara questioned, 'that doesn't make sense'. 

''What do you mean?'' Onyx asked in concern after a series of coughing. 

His friend sighed in fatigue and continued further, '' I don't know man. I have never come across this-'' he moved his hand from his waist and motioned to the oil covered engine. ''-this issue.'' 

Atara and Copper were still stunned at his revelation.

'' I think that you two may have an enemy.'' He explained carefully '' I don't think this has anything to do with simple girl issues like boyfriends or whatever you females worry yourselves with.'' 

It was silent for some time as they all pondered the absurd idea of foul play. 

''They're aim was to harm- and to harm you good.''  

Atara recalled the mechanic's exact words and how surreal the whole incident was. Jean and everyone else at the base were alarmed at the accident. Jean was very intent on the notion that it was Billy the janitor who had messed with the engine. Atara found the suggestion a long stretch, but then he seemed to be the one who might hold something against her. She had witnessed him and D.R Barron exchanging a suspicious black package and had been caught searching his janitor closet. The next day she had found him rummaging through the drawers of the teacher's desk in theater 1. 

He was more of a suspect now; a possible link to the ZED. Who else at the college would have a hidden agenda against the two girls? He was probably paranoid and wanted to get rid of Atara, before she raised her suspicions to anyone or worse the police. 

Atara sat on the couch in the living room of the beige house that she temporarily shared with Copper. She switched off the television that only had on news about the mayor of the city meeting up with entrepreneurs around the country for some sort of deal signing. She wasn't really paying attention to the male reporter. 

''Copper we need to go!'' she shouted as she stood up and smoothed the creases of the exquisite knee length red dress she was wearing. It was way past 7pm. 

Jean had commanded the two girls to attend the foundation ball of Walton's college in case janitor Billy showed up there. All the employees and students of the college were invited and expected to attend. Atara was not too enthusiastic about the idea; but if this could give them more answers to the engine issue and possibly lead them to the notorious ZED, then it was more than worth it.  

Her partner came running down the staircase as her brown hair that was styled elegantly in full curls, bounced about because of the hurried descending movement. Copper wore a white thigh length Grecian dress. She rested her hand on the banister for support as she quickly put on her black stiletto heels. 

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