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Ivy's heart pounded as she stood in front of the jetchoppers. The air was filled with tense conversation, and the ship's deck was bathed in the fading light of the setting sun. With a deep, shaky breath, she dialed the number Ben had given her and held the phone up to her ear.

No answer. Ivy sighed and slid the phone back in her pocket. She'd hoped that she could convince Ben to get the Neutrals to help with the attack, but it clearly wasn't going to happen. Oh well. They'd be fine on their own.

She'd talk to him after the battle.

Spencer made his way through the crowd, Ace right behind him, as the second-to-last chopper took off. Newman had asked them to wait after the others left, for some reason.

Spencer moved to stand next to Ivy. "You got everything?" Ivy asked.

"Yep," Spencer said. He held out the bomb, and with some hesitation, Ivy took it. "Don't worry," Spencer said as she examined it. "It won't go off unless you put in the code. I've also got the flash drive... oh, and here." He pulled a vial out of his pocket.

"There was some chemical left over," Spencer explained. "I thought what you did to the cell bars back at the SCI facility was pretty cool, so I figured we'd hang onto it. You know, in case we need to blow something else up."

"Sure," Ivy said. "Here, how about I take that—" She grabbed the vial and handed the bomb back to Spencer. "—and you take this."

"I'll be right back," Victoria said. "I have to grab... something."

Ivy frowned as Victoria ran inside. She glanced at Spencer. "Do you know what Dr. Newman wanted? Because we really should get going."

Spencer shrugged. "He said he'd be out in a sec."

Ace perked up and sniffed the air. Barking, he ran toward the door. "Hey!" Spencer shouted. "Ace, what are you doing? Get back here."

The door opened and Newman stepped out, smiling. Someone behind him pulled the door open a little wider, and the world seemed to slow down. Seconds dragged by as Newman stepped out. Victoria came behind him. She was pushing a wheelchair.

"Hey guys," Summer said. "Long time, no see."

They all stood in shocked silence for a moment. Finally, Spencer flew forward to hug Summer. Ivy's face broke into a grin as she and Claire joined him.

"You're okay," Spencer said. "We were so worried. Dr. Newman wouldn't let us see you, and—"

Summer laughed as they pulled away. "Yeah, I missed you guys too."

Spencer looked up at Dr. Newman, then back at Summer. "What's with the wheelchair?" he asked. "Can you—?"

"My legs are fine," Summer said.

Dr. Newman nodded. "She'll be able to walk soon, but she's been in a hospital bed for weeks."

"Two blood transfusions and three surgeries," Summer said.

"Four surgeries," Newman corrected. "But yeah. We'll have you try standing soon."

Ivy looked up at Victoria and frowned. "Victoria," she said. "Is there something you're not telling us?"

Victoria folded her arms. "What do you mean?" She glanced at Dr. Newman.

"Victoria's been helping me around the lab," Dr. Newman said. "I had her help me with Summer."

"Wait, she got to see Summer before us?" Spencer asked.

Summer rolled her eyes. "Settle down. I know everyone loves me, but you don't have to fight about it."

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