Time always seemed to move slower when you were in love, something I know that I've experienced after being away from Leah for just a few days, and the last time we actually did see each other we couldn't quite agree on certain things.

Now, I noticed her lingering eyes in my peripheral vision, and all I wanted to know was what she was thinking. With Leah you could never quite fully invade the thoughts which transpired within her, but you sure as hell could try.

"What's on your mind?" I simply asked, hoping that she would fully let me in for once.

"About what you proposed the last time we saw each other, and I honestly think the idea is insane Harry."

I knew that telling her I wanted to kill Nikolai tonight could have a detrimental outcome, and it made me reevaluate my earlier desires.

"I've thought about it too, and I think you're right. Killing Nikolai would not benefit me in any way other than a lifetime sentence behind bars."

"I'm glad you reconsidered because if you didn't I'd probably make you turn this car around." She laughed, hand squeezing mine slightly.

"Too bad I'm the one driving, there's no way I'd take you back and go to this bullshit alone."

"It's not bullshit Harry, it's a gallery walk." Her voice is full of mockery and I couldn't help but laugh because I knew exactly who it was directed towards.

"In all seriousness I'm happy you're going with me, even though it's a bit forced."

"I'd go anywhere with you, Harry." She smiled, "just don't get me killed while you're at it."

"Says the one who wanted to have sex with me and made me go out to get condoms which ended up with me in a car accident!"

Now we were both full on laughing because, honestly, who the fuck gets in a nearly fatal accident after getting condoms.

"Why are we laughing, you could have been seriously hurt that day." Leah asks after wiping tears from her eyes.

"Because you've got to take the bad things in life and make a joke out of them sometimes, baby."

I smile when she leans over and presses her soft lips to my cheek, "I love you."

Her gently voice fits perfectly with the three delicate words, and I wish I could hear her say them forever.

"I love you," I say back hoping she knows just how much it.

There's not very many other cars on the road so I quickly lean over and press my lips to hers, returning to my original position before I get into another accident.

"No matter what happens tonight don't leave my side, I don't want Nikolai trying anything when you're all I have." I say protectively.

"Nothing will happen to me, I'm only worried about you."

"Nikolai knows that by hurting me he'd have to hurt you, so just don't be a stubborn woman and stray."

"I'm not that stubborn," she tries to argue. I almost applaud her for the mediocre effort.

"Thinking of all the past times you've gone against my warnings I'd say that you are pretty fucking stubborn. Would you like me to list them off?"

"No!" She clamps her hand over my mouth and I laugh into it, "you've made your point." She says after pulling back and easing into her seat.

I focus back on the road, noticing a sign saying that we are mere miles from London. I can just make out the skyline of skyscrapers and old city building in the horizon. The sun glints off the glass of the enormous buildings, and I have to look away from the blinding factor of it.

Soon I come up on an exit, finally getting onto the streets of downtown London.

Several people all already out and roaming the streets, although I suspect that they have been all day seeming as it is Saturday. The city is never better or more alive than during a weekend.

Leah's hand becomes clammy against mine and I can tell she's feeling anxious.

"Don't be nervous, I'll be by your side the whole night." I say in reassurance, and she takes a deep breath.

"How could I not be? This is Nikolai we're talking about." She says and I can see her point.

"I will protect you no matter what, let's just get through tonight, okay? We won't even stay long, maybe an hour or two at most."

"That sounds good," she says as we pull up to the valet of the gallery, a teenage boy runs around the front of the mustang and receives my keys as we step out.

I make sure to get my tie as I walk to Leah, "can you put this on me?"

"Almost twenty years old and you still don't know how to put a tie on," she says teasingly before putting the material around the collar of my dress shirt. She does intricate loops before stepping back to admire her work.

I quickly kiss her before entwining our hands as we walk inside of the art gallery.


Thank you so much for over 3 million reads! I never expected this kind of response for Camouflage and I'm so thankful.

Goal: 1700 votes and 500 comments

Only two or three more chapters left, the ending is going to be a good one!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

-Jo x

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