Chapter 2: A Hostile Takeover

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"We are here to surprise the Queen" You said, but they looked at you a little suspiciously before they calmed down a bit.

"No one gets to meet the Queen without arranging a meeting. You have to go, now." One of them said and lowered his weapon.

'Your biggest mistake...' you thought as your hand slowly gripped the handle of your dagger underneath the cloak.

"As I said..." You slowly unsheathed your dagger before you suddenly grabbed him, covered his mouth and drove the dagger deep into his left side, the blade piercing his heart "It's a surprise visit..."

The guard, who was killed instantly, quietly sunk to the ground and you pulled the dagger out of his body. You brought out a small cloth and cleaned the blade as you watched your soldiers quickly, effectively and silently take care of the two other guards. You then proceeded into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, you could see more soldiers, and you hoped that the other parts of your group had succeeded in taking down the other guards. You walked towards the one you assumed to be the leader of the soldiers, and when they saw you, they looked at you questioningly.

"Gentlemen, King Ralph sends his regards!" You said, and instantly plunged your dagger in the leader's neck, cutting his artery in one swift move. Your soldiers reacted immediately and soon you had taken out all the guards in the courtyard.

You cleaned your dagger again before you sheathed it, and took off your cloak.

"No need for this now." You said and your soldiers also took off their cloaks "This is not a surprise anymore."

You drew your sword as you walked up to the castle door and slammed it open. You stepped inside and glanced around. The entrance hall was big, with chandeliers, a white stair made of marble and red walls decorated with candlesticks and paintings. Red curtains also hung in the windows.

Your group was immediately confronted by the guards, and you didn't hesitate to fight back. You glanced around as you fought your way through the castle and there was chaos everywhere. Broken glass, torn curtains, overturned furniture and soldiers from both sides in a full-on brawl. The guards from Arendelle put up a good fight, but you and your group were winning.

You ended up in the ballroom where you took on 3 guards on your own. They were good, but not good enough, and soon, you were the only one left standing. You cleaned the blade of your sword and listened as you caught your breath. The chaos had subsided, so you sheathed your sword and left the ballroom to find your group.

On your way down one of the halls, you were met by one of your soldiers. He looked tired and he was battered and bruised, but he saluted you when he saw you.

"We have successfully taken control of the castle, General (L/N)." He said and you nodded.

"Good. Where's the queen?"

"She's in the Great Hall. Captain Turner is there as well." He answered and you headed towards the Great Hall.

'Now let's see who this ice witch really is, and if she really is as powerful as the legends say' you thought as you saw the door to the Great Hall appear.

But the moment you stepped into the Great Hall, your heart stopped for a second. There, perched on the throne at the top of the stair, sat the most beautiful young woman you had ever laid eyes on. She wore a beautiful, shimmering ice blue dress, delicate ice blue heels and her platinum blonde hair was styled in a long french braid that was draped over her left shoulder. But the thing that really caught your eyes, were her amazing blue ones.

At her right side stood a strawberry-blonde girl with her hair in two braided pigtails, freckles and a green dress. At the bottom of the stairs lay the body of two Arendelle guards, and two of your soldiers held the two young women in check.

The GeneralTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang