Chapter 3: Arendelle's New Ruler

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It was morning, and the sun rose in the sky above Arendelle. The streams of sunlight shone through the windows of your newly acquired quarter, hitting your face and awakened you. As soon as you sat up, there was a knock on your window, and you turned your head towards the sound. There, outside your window was the courier falcon that you had sent to King Ralph. You sighed and got out of bed and walked over to the window and opened it. The falcon hopped onto your arm and you could see that he had a letter attached to his leg. You removed the letter and the falcon moved over to your shoulder as you unfolded the letter and your eyes started tracing the letters on the paper in your hand.

General (L/N)

I received your letter and I am very pleased to know that you have successfully conquered Arendelle. However, I won't be able to come to Arendelle to claim the throne for at least two weeks from the day you receive this letter, due to negotiations. But, I trust that you can keep everything in check until I get there.

King Ralph

You put the paper back on the table and walked over to the window again.

"Two weeks, huh...." You mumbled to yourself as you gazed up the blue, cloudless skies above Arendelle. It had now been two days since you conquered the kingdom and you were done with thoroughly securing it. The falcon flew back to his cage while you stood there for a while before you lightly shook your head.

"Well, time to get some breakfast." You said to yourself again, and you quickly got dressed before you left your quarters.

You walked through the halls of the castle and soon the doors to the dining hall came into view. As you walked up to the door, you could hear voices, and when you pushed opened it, you were met by some of your highest ranking soldiers, including Cap. Turner and Lt. Roger. The dining hall was a large room with dark and warm colored walls decorated with paintings, candles and red drapings that smoothly went from the ceiling to the floor. In the middle of the room stood a large dining table in dark mahogany that could seat at least twenty people, and on the wall opposite the double door, were large windows which revealed a beautiful view of the fjord. The room immediately fell quiet as you stepped into the hall and they glanced at you as you found a seat at the end of the table and sat down. You greeted them with a nod and a few seconds after you had taken your seat, the door to the kitchen swung open and in came a small round man, dressed in white clothes and carrying a tray of food. The royal chef of Arendelle was shaking as he served you and your men breakfast, and immediately after he was finished, one of your soldiers grabbed him and he was taken back to the dungeon where he was locked up again. You started eating your breakfast, and Cap. Turner, who sat next to you, looked at you.

"General (L/N), what's the plan for today?" He asked and everyone's eyes were on you. You thought for a few seconds. In King Ralph's absence you were the leader. Everything was up to you, and you were sure that the people of Arendelle wanted answers. You put your fork and knife down, swallowed and took a sip from your drink before you opened your mouth to answer.

"His Majesty will arrive in two weeks." You began. "Until then, I am the one in charge." No one uttered a single word. "I'm sure that the people are confused and scared After all, we have taken over their kingdom by force and imprisoned their beloved queen and princess. I think it's time to give them some answers, wouldn't you say?" you asked with a slight smirk and everyone nodded in agreement. You finished your drink before you got up from your seat.

"Gather everyone at the town square at 3 o'clock." You ordered. "And I mean everyone. No exceptions. I have soldiers stationed in the city already. We also need someone to watch over the castle so not everyone can come with me. Lt. Roger, I'll leave it up to you, and Cap. Turner, you're coming with me. Have I made myself clear?"

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