I sat in awe, staring at him with a blank face.


"That's fucked," I deadpanned.

"Hey, watch your language," he said slightly amused.

"Sorry," I said, "but it is."

"Yeah, but it's based on a real case," he said, turning back to the screen, volume still down. "People like this actually exist. It's fascinating."

"It's sick."

"It's interesting."

"It's deranged."

"But it's real."

I shook my head. "I've never understood the fascination with death and violence in the media."

I'd never been a big fan of violence in general. I couldn't handle it. Every time I watched something of the sort, I always cringed. I just didn't see how pain was entertaining. More than ever after what had happened with Kevin.

"There are crazy people in the world, Ricardo," Raymond said. "Personally, I just happen to find an interest in seeing how these utterly mad people operate. What's in their heads? Why do they do the things they do? What can push someone to that point?"

"Sounds like you've found your soulmate in a TV show," I joked.

"It's meant to be," he chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever," I said.

The conversation seemingly had officially ended, which was fine with me. I wasn't here to go on about lunatics that kidnapped girls to fulfill their fantasies of having their long dead daughter back.

No, that was more of just passing conversation so there wasn't awkward silence as I gauged my surroundings.

I'd seen it on the table.

Raymond's phone.

That was gonna help get me where I needed to go. It was my lead and I knew exactly what I was looking for. The only problem was that I needed to somehow get it from Raymond without him knowing or being suspicious of anything.

I thought about simply asking to use it to make a phone call or something, but then he'd ask what was wrong with my phone. To which I'd then make up some lie about it malfunctioning, and he'd ask to see it so he could maybe fix it. That was the type of guy he was. But he'd see that my phone was perfectly fine.

I also thought about simply lying and saying I left it at school or something, but then I remembered that Raymond kept two phones and the one I needed was the one he claimed was "strictly for business." He'd then just give me his other phone when the one I needed was right in front of me.

No, I was gonna have to be sneaky and get it someone without him knowing.

Minutes passed and he and I sat there watching his stupid crime show. He would make comments once in a while and I'd either comment back or gesture that I agreed or disagreed with whatever he was saying. I was losing my mind. Did this guy not have to use the bathroom? Get a snack? Do something?!

When the thirty-minute mark hit, I was done waiting. I needed to be proactive. That was the whole point of the vow to myself. I needed to get things done at this point. I excused myself and went to the kitchen.

I needed a distraction. Something to make Raymond leave the living room so I could by enough time to get the information I needed.

I paced back and forth a while before an idea hit me.

I opened up a cabinet door above the sink and took out a stack of four plates. I took a moment to evaluate what I was about to do here.

Kevin DiedWhere stories live. Discover now