Christmas special... i guess

944 18 18

i dont celebrate christmas, im jewish.

the snow rained down from the puffy clouds, just as david was about to take the children out to the camp activity he had planned for today.

the hitting sound of snow against glass filled the mess hall, space kid ran to hide behind (y/n), claiming the noise was super scary and he couldn't bare it at all.

she picked the child up before caring him like a baby, she put him in david's hands before walking towards the window to check what was currently going on.

there was snow falling down from the sky, she could almost hear the noises of the christmas bells around her.

nikki was jumping around like crazy and ended up on (y/n)'s shoulders, looking fascinated at the climate change which had happened all of a sudden.

"christmas in july!!!" nikki yelled as she slid down (y/n)'s back, she ran around the space with sparkling eyes and a big smile, "i can't believe it! i LOVE christmas!!" she kept yelling, (y/n) could swear she felt the ground shaking.

"nikki chill down, i'm going to get a heater while all of you little monkeys stay here," (y/n) took it on her hands to not make the campers sick, or david and gwen. she put gwen in charge for cleaning the snow and david to keep them in place.

probably wasn't her bestest of ideas.

she went out of the mess hall with gwen, closing the door and pushing a pile of snow in front of it so it wouldn't open unless one of them is done and comes back.

she went off to the storage room to get the heater as she said she would and gwen headed off with her to get a snow shovel.

as (y/n) finally walked back with a heater to the mess hall, she noticed the doors were shaking. she looked through the window to see the campers, but max and neil, were trying to get out of the mess hall, she waved to david to pull them back so she could open the door, and so he tried to do before she yelled through the window to make them back off because she was about to come in.

she moved the snow away before opening the door and closing it right afterwards, she put the heater in a corner of the room and turned it on, making the campers relax a bit to the coolness of the room's temperature.

"(y/n)!!!" nikki whined, walking closer to the female adult, who wasn't gwen, "why can't we play in the snoow?!" she kept whining.

"because! snow is not even supposed to happen at this time of year! i'm honestly surprised there was even a heater in the storage place!" (y/n) pushed nikki away before walking to a cold david and cuddling him from the side. "i don't want you guys getting sick, especially when it's in our hands to keep you safe and healthy all summer long."

"but pleeeeease!" nikki kept whining, she started pulling preston in front of (y/n) because she knew he could convince her.

"c'mon (y/n)! it's the most happiest time of year! you can help me make a musical in the snow! broadway material!!" preston said, with his loud voice.

(y/n) gasped before her eyes widened and she agreed, she opened the doors before warning the campers that if any of them get sick, they are going to sleep in the mess hall and only be in the mess hall by the heater.

the kids ran out the doors, except max who rolled his eyes.

music started as nikki was on top of a snow fort in the middle of camp.

"oh, it's drawing very near--" she started singing.

"don't tell me you're going to sing spongebob"

"my favorite time of year--" she continued, ignoring max's comment.

"the snow is falling and the cold wind blows--" she continued.
"christmas is almost here!" preston joined in.

"and i know that santa, santa, santa
has his jolly little eyes on me!" the two sang happily before max smashed the music player on the snowy ground which made it crash.

"hey! what gives!" nikki asked he friend angrily.

"just stop singing! yucks! it's not even WINTER!" he exclaimed, before walking to his other friend which was more logical.

"people keep wishing me a happy hanukkah but it's not even christmas or hannukah! i can't believe these idiots..." he complained to max, which agreed with his scientist-ten-year-old friend who scoffed, "i can't believe (y/n) and david agreed to this!"

"i can't too but hey, look at the bright side!" max sat down, "i can finally use my hoodie for good and not just die in the heat."

"one, since when do you try and look at the bright side? and two, i've always been meaning to ask you, why exactly do you wear a hoodie in summer?"

"personal reasons."

"oh- kay..."

i dont know how to continue this lol. best one shot ever
i'll eventually make the script for the play and if anyone is interested, i might upload it.

but it won't be a chapter, it'll just be a full on script so.


i might also play it with my friends because we're nerds when we can.



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