I want a young girl- Jiraiya

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   Jiraiya enjoyed his sake and chattered with hide for some time. Suddenly, jiraiya brought up the topic of girls. Hide also gave as many opinions he can to make the conversation a little more interesting.

   Time passed... jiraiya was speechless. Suddenly, jiraiya asked hide to bring a young girl who he could have fun with. Hide was shocked and tried to comfort his dad to not do it today. But he really did want a girl and he wanted it immediately. Hide decided to bring freelancers before his dad want to have fun with a specified girl like ino yamanaka or tsunade. Hide went in a freelancers shop and asked a cute girl to come home. She was so cute that hide blushed. She was arguing with hide at first because it was too troublesome to take it to her. Then hide explained that his father is the one wanted to have dun and gave the fund for one night.

   The girl finally agreed and the both of them went to meet jiraiya. She was thinking that hide's father was a normal old hag who just is stupid. But soon as they arrived she was surprised to see a man that was masculine saying "oooo nice nice. I can see that you have 160cm things... hahahaha... just like tsunade." The women blushed. Jiraiya rushed to the girl and ..........

   Next morning, hide woke them  up and was surprised to see both of them still being naked and panting. Both of them kissed. He also t remembered the trouble he went through for buying sake and bringing a girl.He was frustrated and said "dattebayo" like naruto would.

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