Chapter 34 (Finally Right)

Start from the beginning

Brant worriedly ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry, babe. Are you okay?" I gave an unsure shrug. "How did the adoption thing go?"

I sighed, burying my face into his chest. "It didn't," I muttered. "The twins want to think about it some more."

Brant kissed the crown of my head sympathetically. "You've just been having a rough day, babe." I gave my head a nod. My rough start of today didn't matter when I was in his arms. I could be happy even if the world was seconds from blowing up as long as I was close to Brant.

"I'm okay now that you're here with me."

I felt him smile from above me. He had no clue how he honestly made everything okay. It's always been this way. He was the only one who could really, and very deeply, hurt me. I always confined in him during a rough time, so if he was the one to hurt me, I would be a mess.

"We'll talk about this later," he whispered. His arms dropped from around me, letting me go to give my father a manly hug when he and Jives finally reached us.

My father chuckled, but tightly hugged Brant back. I watched him ruffle my boyfriend's hair and then scold him for getting me a puppy. "Look at his little face, daddy," I cooed, holding Diesel up to give him a better view. My father rolled his eyes, unable to resist the urge to scratch the puppy's ears, he was that cute.

"I'm driving by the way!" I announced, fishing my key out of my pocket. Brant called shotgun before Jives or dad could open their mouths, which meant they had to sit in the tiny cab seat of my new truck.

They let it slide this time and somehow squeezed into the back. Brant got in the passenger side, leaving Diesel and I to sit behind the steering wheel. I squeaked excitedly and turned my key in the ignition. The engine let out a powerful purr that made me squeak one more time. Diesel curled up on my lap as I buckled myself in. He never moved, even when I started driving.

I drove out of the private airport parking lot, onto the road, headed home. Dad and Jives quietly talked about the move, not quiet enough of course because I heard everything they said. I sought comfort from Brant again by dropping one hand from the steering wheel, holding it out for him to take. He saw the invitation that he accepted when he slipped his much stronger hand into mine.

I glanced at him the same time he looked at me. All he did was mouthed that he loved me and everything faded away. His fingers wiggled around until they were able to slip through the crevices of mine. It was such a cliché, very cheesy moment, that the blush trying to creep across my smiling face was inevitable.

I managed to stay focus during the ride home despite that the two in the back were discussing when Jives was leaving and if he had a different job yet. Brant was able to keep my mind off of it, even if he was being completely silent. All it took was the brush of his thumb across the back of my hand for me to know what he was saying.

I love you was just a simple stroke, I'm here for you was the way he rubbed circles on my skin tenderly, and I'll never leave you came to mind when he would give my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked away from the road a second to shoot him a small smile, he returned it and added a wink to make me feel special. The warmth returned to my cheeks, causing me to turn my attention back to the road.

We arrived home in a few short minutes where I was greeted by Avery first. She hugged me tight when I slipped out of the truck, nearly crushing poor Diesel resting in my arms. I hugged her close, then Stella when she pried into the hug. They let me go when Jack reached us, and I couldn't help but smile when the hug he pulled me into picked me up off the ground. He kissed my hair and murmured that I wasn't allowed to leave ever again, that they missed me way too much. I had missed them all too.

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