2. For Starters

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  I've been in Detroit for almost a year, I hit some bumps in the beginning but got use to the rude ways of others. I enjoyed teaching the kids at Pasteur Elementary School, I taught art for first grade students it's the highlight of my day to see how much 6 and 7 year olds enjoy the art of learning.

  "Ok so today we'll be learning how to paint a daisy" I said with the whole class excited and ready to paint, "your welcome to add any color to the daisy, this is YOUR daisy, this is your art" kids feel as if they have to imitate the exact color or look and if it's wrong they become upset, so I like to allow my students to experience no mistakes.

  "I'll need a student to pass out art brushes, another paint, and one the water cups for the brushes" also in my class I try to practice "socializing" to prevent bullying or a student becoming anti-social. In my time being here I noticed teachers don't try to let the kids get to know each other or they'll become annoyed forgetting kids love to socialize.

"Miss Gay?" I turned around to see my favorite student Blaine he was 6 years old and the cutest little boy I've ever seen, he was so sweet and thoughtful you could tell whoever was raising him made sure he was well taken care of.

  "Yes, Blaine?" I responded bending down to his level, "Do you think a daisy can be orange?" He questioned wrinkling his eyebrows, "Yes, of course, this is your daisy remember hunny" I said laughing, it was more of a statement than a question.

It was 20 minutes until the kids had lunch, which gave me enough time to wrap class up "Ok class time to wrap things up, if you aren't finished put your art on the side to dry and finish tomorrow!" I said to the class, they started to do as told and was done right on time for lunch.

When I finished sending my students to lunch, I decided to FaceTime my mom. "Hi mommy" I said waving, "Hey babygirl how's everything?" She had this worried look, but I was doing just fine so I knew it wasn't about me, "mom what's wrong?" I was becoming worried myself as it took her awhile to answer.

"Your sisters are going to run me to my grave Sap, in a literal since. You tell them go right they go left" she said shaking her head. "Maybe their just acting out because Darien left" referring to their dad, "yeah maybe, look  I have to get back to work call me later babygirl ok?" Sighing  I agreed to call her back later.  I never knew my mom to bow down to her own kids she looked as if she was giving up on discipline.

It was finally the end of the day, and  I was waiting for each of my students to either get picked up, get on the bus or the daycare van,  I wasn't a fan of leaving children unattended especially young babies. Less than 30 minutes later all of my students were gone except one. Which happened to be my favorite.

  "Blaine is everything okay? Usually your already gone?"  I asked curiously, it was weird for him to still be here, he's usually gone as soon as the car riders line up outside. "Yes ma'am" he looked up at me unsure, "We'll you know my rules hunny if your here I'm here!" I said laughing.

  "Come on, you can finishing painting while  I go call your parents"  I said, reluctantly he  got up and followed me towards the class. When we finally made it  I grabbed his emergency contact list and called his father.

After a few rings  I got the voicemail, mentally rolling my eyes I left a message "Hi Mr. Stoker, this is Miss Gay your sons teacher, school ended almost an hour ago. If you get this please call back preferably now thank you." With that I hung up sighing, it was going on 3:30 pm and class was over at 2:45 pm.

   "Miss Gay look I finished!!" Blaine said with excitement , "oh yes sir I love it, we should put it on the display in the hall" I said getting up, before we could get out the classroom the phone ringed telling me Blaine's father finally showed up.

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