"Yeah, so?"

He nodded towards the barn, "So we get the milk from the cows."

My jaw dropped. "Oh..no...you're about to fondle a cow in front of me?" I asked in complete disgust.

"Come on, princess." He teased as he took my hand and guided us to the barn. It smelled like a zoo. It was gross. Ben put on rubber gloves and was milking the cow and I watched in amazement as milk squirted into the bucket. The smell of animal and feces started irritating me after a while and he still wasn't done.

"You know what, I'm just gonna go back to the house and lay down." I said.

"Okay,I'll be there in a bit." He said and I lingered a moment and watched the muscles in his arms flex. Ben is so fine. Only he could make milking a cow look hot.Ugh.

I walked back to the house and let myself in and closed the door behind me. The smell of food cooking filled my nose.

"Benji is that you?" I heard Nanna shout from the kitchen.

"Uh...no it's um..me." I said without saying my name.

"Oh, Lizzy dear come on into the kitchen." I groaned in my head. I wished Ben was with me. I shouldn't have come back here alone. I slowly walked down the foyer into the kitchen and Nanna was seated at the table flipping through a magazine. She smiled when she saw me. "have a seat, dear." She motioned toward the chair across the table.

I sat down and forced a smile. "Hi."

"We didn't get a chance to get acquainted. I would love to get to know you." The wrinkles next to her brown eyes deepened and her mouth still had a smile. I now had a chance to look at her well. She had short dark hair with a lot of gray strands and tiny glasses that sat on her nose. She wore a blue button up sweater even though it wasn't cold outside.

"Can I just ask you a question?" I said hesitantly as I fidgeted with my fingers under the table.


"Were you surprised the moment you saw me today? Like surprised at the fact that Ben was dating a black girl?" I held my breath waiting for her to answer.

"Yes, yes I was surprised." She admitted. "But I wasn't disappointed, dear." She chuckled softly. "You are beyond gorgeous and you are so lovely. You probably think we are some old racist hags don't you?"

"uh...uh...I wouldn't quite use the word hags." I said uncomfortably.

"We may live on a farm, but we are a very loving family. We raised our children to love everybody no matter what they look like. And that is showing two generations later with Ben and you. She chuckled again. "You have no idea how much my Benji adores you. I heard him cackling outside just a few minutes ago with you." Little did she know he was laughing at me not with me.

I decided to open up her. "Yeah Ben treats me like a queen. It's just hard sometimes with the stares and disapproving looks." I said.

Nanna sighed and had a thoughtful look on her face. "Nineteen sixty-five. James Harrisburg. He was my first love, a black man" She said and my eyes went wide. "Hard to believe right? Oh it was way worse back then with the segregation. I would walk to and from school with him through the woods so no one would see us. We went to different schools of course but that didn't stop us. Oh, I loved that boy with all my heart. Our love was so pure." She shook her head sadly. "My parents weren't like me and when they found out I was seeing a black boy they put an end to it. James moved away one day and I never saw him again. My heart ached for months and I knew I would raise my children to be different."

She smiled at me with sad eyes. "Those who are still racist even today blow my mind. Over fifty years later and people just can't get over it. Dear, there are going to be so many people who disapprove, but you can't let them stop you from being happy. Love is love and love always wins." She reached across the table and held my hands "Promise me when you see someone look at you funny you just flash them that pretty smile of yours, okay?"

Love's True Color (BWWM)-COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora