Chapter 7: Caught

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First I just want to thank all my readers!!!!!!

500+ reads is more than I could ever ask for!!!!!!!!

Also check out my other story I will be writing soon it's called Wings and my Poems book!

So yea thanks everyone for all the support I've gotten!!

~ Blaze


The sun began to set as I walked behind the mutant named Sabertooth. It had been an hour since I had seen Alison last. I hoped she was better off than me.

"What do you want with me? Why won't you just leave me alone!" I ask.

"Just keep walkin and keep your mouth shut!" He retorted with a growl in his throat.

For once I did as I was told. As we walked I kept going back to how this had all happened. Every time I went through it in my head I came up with one conclusion: this was all my fault. If I hadn't lost my temper at school. If I made sure Alison wouldn't come with me. If I had been more carful at the library and diner. If I didn't feel like somehow I needed to be a hero. If I wasn't a mutant none of this would have ever happened. Everything everyone had said about mutants was true; they're nothing but a bomb waiting to blow up and hurt everyone around them. I was no different.

"Where's Alison?!"


"Alison, ya know the girl with me, short, red hair. What did you do with her?"

"Shut up kid that none of your or my concern. I'm may be getting good money to bring you but your yapping gotta stop or I may just have to silence you myself."

After that I kept my mouth shut. 20 minutes later we came to a cliff. For a second I thought I'd have to climb it but Sabertooth walked up to the cliff and put his hand on something by a crack in the cliff. The cliff slid open to reveal a dark hallway. Even though my hands were tied I turned and tried to run. There was no way I was going inside there without a fight. I heard someone shout then something hit me from behind and the world turned black.


And sorry so short, I'm thinking of doing one chapter in Alison's point of view.

what do you think?

Tell me if you would like that or not

See ya next time I swear I'll update again before next weekend!!


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