Chapter 5: On The Road

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I hope you are enjoying the story.

Just so you know


means that Alison or Kayla is using sign language

My reads keep going up, where are you guys? Talk to me! Do you like the story? Should I keep

writing? Comment! ~Blaze


We were woken up a few times during the night due to dogs barking and sirens wailing but eventually morning came and Alison and I
started are journey to what ever was waiting for us in upstate New York. As we walked we kept close to the woods and every time a car
drives by we hide in the wood until I can't hear it anymore. Oddly my hearing has become more enhanced since my little accident (if
that's what we're calling it.) After about 5 hours of walking and trying to figure out our map, Alison became tired.

"Admit it! We're lost! You have no idea where we are." She exclaimed sitting down on the edge of the road.

I stick my tongue out at her and say "I think there's a diner a half mile from here, YOU can ask for directions there."

"Good cuz my feet are killing me." She says jumping up from where she was complaining a minute ago.

"Remind me why I let you come along in the first place?"

"I never gave you a choice!"

After about another 20 minutes of walking Alison and I came to a small Diner called Sleepy Hollow, it had seen better days. Old posters and ads hung in the window, faded from the sun. A neon sign flashed in the slightly cracked window indicating the diner was open.

"Looks kinda sketchy." Alison whispers.

"Don't start complaining now." I say dragging her towards the entrance.

Inside we sit ourselves down at the end of the counter and try to draw the least amount of attention possible. The news is on but it is mostly about the falling stock market so no one was paying attention to it. A small family with a young boy sat at a corner booth. There was only two other people at the counter and they were on the other side of the diner. A waitress in her late 30s came up to us at the counter.

"Anything to eat?" She said in a mono toned voice.

Alison looked at me confused. Obviously she wasn't paying attention to the woman and didn't know anyone was talking to her. Thinking back I decided to use sign language to make it easier on her.

Quickly with my hands signed -What do you want to eat?-

Taken a little aback by my hand movement the waitress looked down to where Alison was pointing at her menu.

"Coke and a hamburger. Ok." She said more to herself than anyone else. "And you sweetheart?"

"Same thing." I say indicating my hand towards Alison who had busied herself looking out the window.

"I'll get that right out for ya." She said and quickly walked away to another table.

Outside a man on a large motorcycle came up to the diner and roared its engine. Even inside I had to cover my ears from the loud noise. Alison looked at me with a concerned look on her face. I must have made a scene because was getting a strange look from the waitress as she handed us our food. A few moments later a tall man with long greasy blonde hair came through the front door. He wore a trench coat and when he smiled you could see his eye teeth were longer and sharper than the average human's. I could tell immediately that he was a mutant. I also knew I didn't like him from the moment he sat down next to me at the counter. He spotted the waitress watching him warily.

"Coffee." He said waving a dismissive hand in her direction.

Quickly she disappeared into the kitchen and brought out a cup of coffee. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye. I didn't know is she was worried for my safety or thought that I was with this man from the beginning. My gut kept telling me to get out of there as fast as possible but my curiosity took over. Before I could say anything a new report flashed onto the tv catching everyone's attention. Even Alison was reading the captions across the bottom of the screen.

*New Report*
"Breaking news. The police are looking for two young runaway girls. One of the girls, Kayla Reese, has been deemed a highly dangerous mutant. She has been seen traveling with Alison Bradford, who is said to be deaf. Here with us today we have the mother of Alison, Maria Bradford. Mrs. Bradford, why do you believe your daughter is traveling with this highly unstable girl?"

"Well my sweet little girl doesn't have many friends, mostly due to her being cripple, so when this new girl came she was so excited to have a friend. She always told me close to before they disappeared that Kayla was scaring her and beginning to threaten her. I didn't think anything of it but now... I just don't know what to do about it! It's no doubt Kayla must have threatened her and taken her along." *begins to cry*

"Do you know why she would have taken your daughter?"

"Well the girl comes from such a dysfunctional family but of corse that doesn't explain the drugs and alcohol. That girl belongs in jail or somewhere they can take care of mutant scum like her. She does not belong anywhere near our children!"

"You heard it here first folks. We have been told to warn everyone to approach these girls with extreme caution." *Girl's school pictures flash up on screen.*

*End News Report*

I look around the diner and everyone is looking at us. I feel exposed and want nothing more than to hide from these people's stares.

"Like hell she cares. I hate my mom." Alison said under her breathe.

Quickly I fish $20 out of my pocket and set it on the table by my plate of food. I can feel the electricity coursing through my body. A few people pull out their phones and I know their going to report us. It looks like I'm hiding Alison behind and I know that won't help my case. My eyes search for a quick exit as I back slowly away from the counter.

"Please don't." I say quietly looking at the phones in their hands.

As if I had been able to do it all my life a throw my hand out I front of me. First the lights begin to flicker then all the powers goes out. Alison grabs my arm pulling me out of my trance and drags me towards the illuminated exit. As we leave I hear a few muffled words complaining about how their phone isn't working. I don't pay attention. As soon as we are out the door the usual rush of adrenaline kicks in and we are both running down the road leaving the diner in the dust.

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