Chapter 4: Beginning Again

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Hello again!! I hope y'all are enjoying my story. I'm hitting a wall on this story so if you have any suggestions please feel free to give me them! (I'll dedicate the chapter to you.)

Side note this- "blablabla" is talking.
This- 'lalala' is a thought.

Yay! Comment your thoughts so far. So on to the story!! ~Blaze

Sunlight slipped through my blinds when I woke up in the morning. I sat up rubbing my head. For a moment everything was peaceful but it was short lived. Yesterday's events came flooding back into my head. I let out a small sigh and got out of bed. I quickly changed out yesterday's torn uniform and put on a faded black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I braided my hair and the side of my hair and pulled the ends into a bun on the back of my head. Looking through my closet I pulled out a small black backpack and put a few extra shirts and my toothbrush in it. Looking around my room, I grabbed my pocket knife and slipped my phone into my pocket. I was about to shut my bedroom door when I looked back around sadly. I knew this would be my last time looking at my room. After a second thought I grabbed a small stuffed dog I've had since I was 2 off my bed and slipped it into my backpack. Back in the kitchen I raided the pantry and pulled out anything non perishable and shoved it into my bag. I also grabbed a water bottle, filled it, and put it in my bag. Lastly I grabbed a small note book and the letter and pictures I had from my mom and put them on the top of everything in my bag. Pulling my dad's old jacket on I slipped out the back door and walked towards the woods without a glance back at my house.

'I was on the run, I no longer have a home.' I repeated over and over in my head.

Coming to a creek I sat down to rest. That's when I heard a loud noise from behind me. I jumped up and spun around ready to attack, electricity sparked around my arms and hands. To my utter surprise I found the last person I expected to see, Alison. She stood quietly behind me with a small backpack and a camouflage cargo hat on.

"Hi." She said calmly oblivious to my fighting stance.

"Hey." I said brushing a leaf out of my hair.

A minute rolled by in awkward silence until I nervously broke it.

"Are you here to turn me in?" I questioned looking at her.

"No." She replied quickly.

"Then why are you here?"

"I coming with you... Where ever it is you're going."

"No your not."

"Yes I am. Why wouldn't I?"

I turned away from her and sat down on a rock by the stream. A few seconds later Alison joined me.

Looking out at the water she said, "I don't care if your a mutant. No one deserves to be out on their own. Your my best friend, my only friend. No one is going to miss me here, I'm pretty sure my parents will be ecstatic when they find out I'm gone." She sighed, "The point is you don't need to go out and do this on your own. I'm coming with you wether you like it or not."

Turning to Alison I tap her on the shoulder and smile, "the cripple and the mutie, the unstoppable duo."

Jumping up Alison hugged me smiling.

"So um where exactly are we going?"

"My mom left me a letter with some coordinates. For now we're following those."

Since neither of us had iPhones, Alison and I snuck into the library using the back door and found a computer in the back of the room to search the coordinates. I wore Alison's hat so no one would notice me a first glance. I went onto google maps and typed in the coordinates.

"Upstate New York? That's were we're goin?" Alison asked.

"Seems like it." I replied.

"Try typing in the other coordinates."

"Those are just safe houses along the way."

"So we are goin from Illinois to upstate New York, on foot, with only $100 put together."

"Don't worry I think the safe houses will have everything we need." I say as I print off a map to keep us from getting lost.

I was actually starting to think things were beginning to go my way for once. I have never been so wrong in my life. In my excitement I forgot all about my mutation. That was my first mistake. Electricity shot out of my hands causing the computer to overload and explode. That caught everyone's attention including the sheriff who had just walked in. My second mistake, I should have been watching the door. No time to think about it now though.

"Run." I yell grabbing Alison's arm forgetting that she can't hear me.

"Stop right there young ladies!" The sheriff yelled after us.

Sprinting I pulled Alison through the back door and into the woods until I couldn't run anymore.

Panting I say quickly, "they know your with me now so next time run into anyone we're both in loads of trouble."

"Joy!" She said sarcastically.

I snickered.

After walking a little farther into the woods we found an abandoned tree house and decided to camp here for the night. We layer on our backs and used our backpacks as pillows. My first night on the run. Just yesterday I was sitting in algebra worried about tomorrow's test. Now I'm worrying about being caught by the police. In one day my life was turned completely inside out. Next time I see my mother she has a lot of explaining to do, if I ever see her again.


Until next time readers don't forget to comment!

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