Chapter 3: The Start Of a New Life

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Hello my lovely readers!

I hope you are all enjoying my story so far, I want to know what you all think of it.

Should I continue writing this or not?

Please comment some feedback! ~Blaze

I walked through the woods as quickly as I could. My skirt snagged on branches ripping it slightly, but I didn't have time to worry about that now. 20 minutes later I finally came to my own backyard. Hiding behind a large oak tree I peak around the trunk to see if the coast is clear. In the driveway 2 police cars had just pulled up.

The policemen's voices carried over the yard, "They said this is where that mutant lives but the place looks like its been abandoned for weeks."

"No ones home, I say we set up the road blocks and put up the notices. She won't make it out of this town without someone seeing her."

As the cars pulled out of the driveway I sprinted to the patio door fumbled with the keys as I looked behind me for fear of getting caught. As soon as I heard the lock click I threw open the door and slammed it behind me breathing heavily. The kitchen was dark. Dishes from this morning were still in the sink. The house was silent.

"Mom?" I called out softly, afraid of breaking the silence.

No reply. I tried again a little louder, "Mom!"

Still no answer. I searched upstairs and then downstairs but found no trace of any living organism. Ending my search back in the kitchen I noticed an envelope that wasn't there when I left this morning. Quickly I snatched up the envelope and ran up the stair and slammed the door to my bedroom. My bedroom walls were a light shade of blue with pictures of Alison and me taped onto it. Next to the pictures hung newspaper clippings with anything to do with mutant violence. As soon as I walked into my room I ripped down all the newspaper clippings a shoved them into my trash can. In my anger I let out another electric shock burning all the papers in my hand.

"Ah!" I exclaimed.

After I calmed myself down, I opened the envelope. When I did three papers fell out. The first, a letter in my mother's handwriting. The other two seemed to be pictures. I decided to read the letter first.

Dear Kayla,
If your reading this my cover has been blown and you are in grave danger. First you should know I know you are a mutant, wether you do or not yet. If you do know this, no matter what other people try to tell you I really do love you sweetheart. It's no longer safe here for either of us. At the bottom of this letter you will find the coordinates for check points and safe houses with supplies and money. Inclosed in this envelope you will find two pictures, one of them is a picture of your father. I can't give you his name or any other information because I am not sure who will find this letter first. The other picture is of me and you on your seventh birthday. I will try to find you again but it is highly unlikely. Remember trust no one. No where is safe.
Your mother, Emma

Setting the paper down I looked at the photos. The first one had a man next to a motorcycle wearing the same jacket I had on today. The other was my mother watching me blow out the candles on my birthday cake.

"This makes no sense!" I yelled at the picture. "I'm not special! I never have been and I never will be!" I screamed into the empty house. "I never wanted this! Why can't I just be normal."

Exhausted from the day's events my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes, a few tears slipped down my cheek as I fell into a nightmare full sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter I promise I will update again soon!!~ Blaze :)

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