"Yeah it is. I thought you might want to talk to him."

Luke's eyebrows raised. "Oh yes! Of course." He got up and put on his Jedi robe.

"Stay here Artoo I'll be right back."

The droid whistled in response.

Raina smiled at the droid. He was no doubt very cute. Luke and Raina both exited his room and walked to her door.

Before entering she looked to him. "There's something else."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"His mother, although supportive, wants to meet us. I'm positive it's because she wants to be sure that we are who and what we say we are." Raina concluded.

Luke nodded thoughtfully. "Understandable and very wise. We'll see her sometime tomorrow and meet her properly. We shall also inform her of anything she requests to know. It's only proper that we do so being that her only son is leaving to join us." He said.

Raina nodded. "I agree."

"Then shall we go in, before the boy becomes worried that he's been lied to?" He asked her.

Raina's eyes widened. "Right!"

She opened the door and they entered. As soon as he saw Luke, Jacen stood.

"Jacen I'd like to meet Master Luke Skywalker. Master Skywalker, Jacen Rehala." Raina introduced.

Jacen bowed respectfully. "It's an honor to meet you, Master Skywalker."

Luke turned his head to Raina in surprise. Raina grinned. He turned back to the boy and bowed his head in return.

"Thank you, Rehala. It is a pleasure to you. I've heard much about you. All good of course." Luke chuckled.

Jacen smiled back nervously.

Luke gestured to the seat. "Have a seat."

Jacen sat down, while Raina and Luke stood.

"I'm very pleased that you've made this decision Jacen. Being a Jedi is an honorable thing. Though I must want you there are always challenges."

Raina stood in the back of the room listening to Luke.

"The life of a Jedi isn't an easy one. We have to let go of many things. Sometime even things we love."

At this Raina looked down.

". . .The Jedi have a duty. We are sworn to protect the galaxy and keep peace. We are to spread Light across the galaxy and fight for what is true and good. We do not decide what is right or what is wrong. The Force does. The Light Side of The Force does." Jacen interrupted Luke.

"What is the Force?"

"The Force is exactly that. A Force. It binds us and penetrates us. It binds the whole galaxy together. It is a balance. Light and Dark." Jacen listened intently.

Luke continued. "The Dark Side is the side you have to stay away from. It is easy to give into it. Anger, fear, aggression, impatience, jealousy, greed, lack of self control. . .these are all emotions of the Dark Side. They are easy and quick to use, but as soon as you let those emotions control you. . .the Dark Side will consume you. It will forever dominate your destiny." Luke explained.

Jacen looked startled. Raina sighed. He had scared the boy.

'Luke, tone it down he's only a kid.' She told him through the Force.

'. . .Sorry.' He responded.

Raina rolled her eyes.

Luke cleared his throat. "That's enough about that though. Look, Jacen. . .I'm not telling you this to scare you. I just want you to be prepared."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now