chapter 17

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Silver blocks all senses.. I can't even tell what he is. He groans. Well he's alive so he sure isn't human.

"Hey are you okay?"

For a moment I think I may have imagined him groan but then I hear his voice.

"Well I'm alive so I guess that's something."

I grab the bars. "CARTER?!"
I rip my fingers off the bars. "Ow ow ow!"

He snickers. "You should know not to touch the bars."

I shake my hands. "Your lucky you are on the other side of the bars or I would have smacked you."

He groans. "The silver is killing me."

I get as I close as can to the bars and reach my arm out. "Get closer, I'll try to get it out of your back."

Just as I pull it out water begins to flow in.
Carter is moving around but I can't see him.

"Carter, what do we do?! "

I hear him sigh. "I'm thinking.."

He picks up the blade that was in his back. "Well first I got to get you out."

He begins to pick at the lock with the blade. I hear him chuckle.

"Only silver can open anything silver. I guess getting stuck in the back was a good thing."

I laugh. "Yeah you probably deserved it."

I'm pretty sure he just gave me the evil eye. The water begins to flow in faster hitting the cage with extreme force. If we were human it would have killed us by now.

Finally he gets the cage open and the stone above us begins to slide open. Sunlight streams down and I see Garret and my dad at the top.


The cage is under water and both of  us are struggling to stay on the surface.

Suddenly I'm yanked under and pressed against the side of well. There's a hole sucking me to the wall.

I struggle to get loose but it's no use. I can't move.

So close to the surface but not close enough....


Garret pulls me out of the water. "That was painful." I turn and look around. "Where's Cicily?!"

Garret and the Werewolf King is frantically looking into the water.

I shake my head. "No, I will not lose another person to this well.. to the hunters!!"

I take my shirt off and take a deep breath. I jump into the water and blindly swim towards the bottom. I feel around.. trying to find her. Then I feel hair circle around my hand.

I can't see her but I can feel her arms. I press my feet firmly against the well's wall and pull hard. I can't hold my breath much longer.

Finally I yank her free and push her towards the surface. But just as I turn to follow her, the bottom of my foot gets suck in.

I struggle to get my leg out of the hole. I can't breath.. I can't breath..

With one last attempt, I give up. My leg is stuck and everything is going black.

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