chapter 15

535 38 3

Cicily's POV

All I've heard is silence...
Dark. Dark.. silence..

But every once in a while I hear the single drop of water hit the top of this cold silver cage and run down the bars. I haven't felt as afraid as I thought I'd be. Maybe I have come to accept my death..

I know my father will not get to me in time.. the vampires don't mind link so I can't call out.. I mean I couldn't anyways since I'm behind silver bars.

It's cold down here.. shivering, I wrap my arms around myself. I wish I had a big cup of hot coco.



I lean up against the tree. I don't understand what they have against Dawn. Why do they want her dead so badly?

I sigh. Poor Cicily.. she has to be put through this because of resemblance to Dawn. Where is she..

I stand up as I hear a twig snap behind me.

Once I heard the second one I jumped on a wolf.

Growling, I hold her down. "WHO ARE YOU?!"




I throw her up against the tree and just as I am about make her talk she transforms..

I take a few steps back and fall.

I open my mouth but the words wouldn't come out.


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