chapter 16

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I can't move. I'm just paralyzed by the sight of her.

She smiles and runs her finger down my chest. "Well who else can it be."

I crush her in a hug, tears running down my face. "I thought you were dead?"

She sits on the ground leans against a tree. "Come, come sit with me a while."

I sit down next to her, touching her hands ..her face.. her hair.

I smile at her as I slide my hand across her wrist. Then my smile immediately drops.

I hold tightly to her wrist and turn it over. There on her hand was the satanic symbol imprinted only on demons...

I snatch the demon by the throat and slam her against the tree. It hurt my heart to hurt her because it feels like I'm actually killing Dawn..

She slowly begins to gasp for air. "You just like to kill Dawn... You're.. you're the reason why's she's dead and .. you're proving that you would do it again.. you are the monster not me.."

The demon dies and I stand there.. her words haunting me. It's true I am the reason why she's dead.. I am a monster..


The water and the dark is beginning to overwhelm me. I'm losing my mind down here. I can barely feel my fingers, it's so cold.

I look up as I hear pieces of the well fall and hit the cage. Well at least it's good for something. I immediately stand up and scream for help.

Sunlight streams down and I bathe in the warmth of it. I'm saved! I begin smile and laugh.. but it's short lived.

I look up and see the face of Dawn's killer smiling down at me..

"Hey, Dawn!! Thought you'd get lonely so I brought you a friend. Don't worry he won't bite. He won't do much with that silver in his back."

I watch in horror as a couple of hunters lift up a man with a bag over his head and throw him into the well. I close my eyes and cover my ears as he falls with a sickening thud.

The stone gets put back on and I'm back in the dark with someone.. who is he?

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