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A week had gone by, no deaths, or attempted kills had happened since Lisa. But Prince Edward was waiting, he knew his father, he would wait for the moment where it was least expected...then BANG, someone would be dead. And no one would see it coming, or even know it was happening.

"You need to stop worrying about this, Ed...maybe who ever was killing these people is done," Kara sighed, hopping up to sit on the prince's desk.

"I can't help it, Kara...I'm constantly worried something is going to happen...I mean, these are my people," Prince Edward mumbled, running his hands over his face.

"I know, and it's completely normal to be afraid-"

"I'm not afraid, Kara...I'm angry," Ed said, getting up from the chair at his desk to walk over to the window. "My father-the king is killing innocent people his people, and for what? Because he's angry that I disagreed with him over Scotland? Which, by the way, he didn't pull his troops from."

"I don't know why he's doing it, Ed...but it's not your fault," Kara said, jumping off the desk to walk over to the prince. "He chose to kill those people."

"Yes, but something I did drove him to do that," Ed sighed, turning to face her.

"No, madness drove him to do that," Kara told him. "Your father has gone mad."

"I know that," Ed sighed, leaning back against the window behind him, closing his eyes. "But, I feel like there is something I could have done to prevent it from happening in the first place."

"Maybe there was," Kara sighed, stepping forward to put her hands on his cheeks. The prince opened his eyes, looking down at her. "But what's done is done, and your father is to blame for what he did...if he even did it in the first place, don't forget that we still don't know if it's actually him."

Prince Edward nodded, running his tongue over his lips. "I know."

Kara raised her eyebrow, playing with the hair behind his neck, "come here," she said, pulling him down to connect their lips. Prince Edward slowly moved his lips against hers, gently running his fingers though her hair, he pulled her closer pressing their bodies together.

A knock at the door startled them, they pulled away from each other quickly. "Yes?" The prince sighed, the door opened, revealing Lisa. Ed cocked an eyebrow at her, briefly shooting Kara a look before speaking. "Lisa? How are you feeling?"

"I have been better, I just came to thank you...for saving my life," Lisa said, smiling at the prince.

"Um was no problem, really."

"Lisa," Kara started, "do you mind if I ask who did this to you?"

Ed's eyes widened, he gave her a warning look, shaking his head. Kara furrowed her eyebrows, the prince just shook his head. Kara sighed, dropping the subject.

"Anyways," Prince Edward turned his attention back to Lisa, "I hope you feel better soon."

"Yes, thank you," Lisa said, walking towards the door, she gave Kara one last look before exiting the room.

"What the hell was that?!" Kara asked once Lisa was gone.

"What?" The prince asked, walking back over to his desk.

"We could have had the chance to know everything! To know who was actually killing all those people, and stop them!" Kara yelled, stomping over to the prince.

"It wasn't the right time," Prince Edward sighed, Kara scoffed.

"Right, because it's never the right time to save lives," she snapped, Ed sighed, shaking his head.

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