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"Morning Prince," Kara called, running up behind the prince as he walked down the hall. He said nothing back to her as they kept walking, not even sparing her a glance. Kara raised her eyebrow, looking at him expectantly. But when he made no move to acknowledge her, she sighed. "What's up with you today?"

"Go away, Kara," the prince growled lowly, beginning to walk faster so he could get away from her. But, much to his dismay, she sped up to keep up with him.

"Are you angry at me for some reason?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed. "If its from the other night, its alright we can just forget-"

"Just. Go. Away." He snapped, feeling anger bubble up inside him. He was still refusing to look at her, and that seemed to make Kara angry.

"If you're going to be a dick, the least you can do is look me in they eye," she snapped. The prince stopped in his tracks, turning to look at her.

"Do not speak to me like that again," he said though gritted teeth.

"What is your problem, this never bothered you before," Kara said, confusion notable in her face.

"Well, I never cared before," the prince said, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Cared about what?" She asked, her face scrunching in confusion.

"Cared about who you were...what you were," he said, looking her up and down. Kara's face went blank, that's when Prince Edward knew he'd done it. She completely closed herself from him now...something in his chest felt heavy, but he shook it off, maintaining eye contact with her.

"I see," she said, her voice suddenly becoming small. "I thought, you were different...but it turns out you're just like everyone else. You know, you put up a good act, I actually you saw me as a person, not for being a bastard." Kara broke eye contact, averting her eyes to the ground.

"But that's exactly what you are...a bastard," the prince spit. "You ruin families and break people're a stain to everyone here."

Kara nodded at the ground, looking up at the prince...and what he saw completely crushed him...he knew he had ruined everything with her now. She had tears in her eyes, a blank expression on her face. "Maybe you're right." She shrugged, that statement caught the prince off guard.

"What?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I do ruin everything, don't I? And I guess that's something we both have in commons then, right?" She asked, sniffling.

"Why's that?"

Because you have just ruined everything," she said, shaking her head at him, he looked down, avoiding her eyes. "But at least you had the decency to look me in the eyes as you insulted everything about me, right? Now you can go tell you friends about how you had the courage to look in me eyes and tell me how much of a disgrace I am. Because that's what kings do...they ruin things, and they they feel good about're not so far from your father after all."

Prince Edward felt sick...her words hit him like a rock to the stomach, in a way, he guessed she was right. He bit his lip, urging himself not to cry...instead, he rounded up all the pent up anger. He looked up to her though his eye lashes.

"I am a king, Kara. I do not have time to deal with dirt like stop being such a child and walk away."

Kara chuckled lightly, "you are no king. No king of mine at least," she seethed, with that, she moved a side, quickly brushing past him, continuing her journey down the hall. Prince Edward sighed, turning around to watch her walk away. He felt the heavy weight in his chest return...only stronger this time. He contemplated running after her...but decided against it, he'd caused enough damage for the day.

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