~ Chapter 22 ~

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A month passed since that day, and the two newcomers disappeared from school together. No one knew where they went except for the teachers, who refused to say anything about them or where they were. The only information given to them was that the pair had transferred to another school, but anything else was classified.

However, Keiichi, Yoko and Miyako thought otherwise and tried to investigate on the matter deeper. However, after another month of finding nothing, they concluded that Arata and Noriko was nowhere to be find and fate will only tell them when they'll meet again.

In reality, the two had returned to where they originally came from: The castle. Arata had returned to his chambers and did his princely work while Noriko returned to her work as the Knight Commander. 

For a month, they hadn't talked or seen each other.

Arata felt like his life had turned back to what it was before he even met Noriko. Just a boring, ordinary life filled with boring things to be done. All he really did do was learn about the Kingdom, not how to rule it or the reasons why. He found that Noriko's way of teaching was much more productive and interesting. 

Though, he did find it frustrating sometimes.

Noriko found that her life was filled with nothing more than useless paperworks that mainly consisted of damage pays, reconstruction, requests for help and such. It was something normal in her life, something she dealt with often. Though, she found that she been tending to Arata more often than she should have when she first met him, and as a result, had to put off a lot of work for him.

However, ever since a month ago, that has changed. The prince hadn't asked for her appearance, and seemed to be fairing well without her. From what she knew, there was nothing left for her to help him with. The rest was up to him, whether he wanted to rule the Kingdom or not, protect if even - it was all up to him.

Not her.

Honestly, she had no idea whether she wanted him to become King or not. She never really thought about it, and she often got along with basically anyone that wasn't bitchy or bastard-like. She didn't really care either. She was still going to be the Knight Commander, no matter what he picked.

She stared at the paperwork in front of her, tapping her pencil on the desk and letting her mind drift into deep thought.

A month has already passed since we've last talked. Everything has returned to normal, like nothing has happened, she thought, unnoticeably frowning. At least, that's what it looks like on the outside. The King and Queen have been becoming worried, not sure of what to make out a situation like this. The vampires refuse to talk, they only keep smirking and acting like they have won the fight. Yet, it was clear they have lost. Almost like they were being programmed to be like that. We even have gone as far to leave them alone after a week of interrogations.

The Royal Family have begun making preparations for war, in case this attack was a declaration of war, but no one is absolutely sure whether it is or if it isn't. All anyone could really do, was wait.

She began to write some notes on a blank paper. 

It would be efficient for us if we had a powerful Tamer Beast on our side. Notably Arata, but he will still need some training after we find his Tamer Beast so he can even control it.

She pursed her lips, an agitated look on her face. 

The problem is convincing his parents to let him go outside for a small period of time to go searching. 

She sighs.

I wonder why I make my life so difficult.

A man came into her sights, but it disappeared almost immediately.

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