Chapter One: Welcome to Beacon Hills

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Aria Montgomery sighed as she leaned against the car window. After the five hour flight from Rosewood, Pennsylvania, to Beacon Hills, California, she was exhausted. Not that it mattered, lately she was always exhausted. She had found a little relief in the fact that "A" couldn't contact her while she was flying, but now that she was back on the ground she was having trouble suppressing that oh too familiar urge to hurl her phone out the window. The rumble of gravel underneath the tires of the taxi shook her from her thoughts.

Her mother turned towards her, a gentle smile on her face,

 " You look like I do." The older Montgomery exclaimed. 

"How's that?" Aria countered, failing to hide the sleep in her eyes. 

"You look tired. That's how. Now scootch! I would like to get in the house without falling asleep on the front stoop!"

Aria smiled at her mother's antics as she lugged her suitcase out of the cab and followed her mother up the stairs and into the house.

If looks could kill, the scowl on Aria's face would've struck her mother dead. It was 5:30 in the morning and Ella Montgomery was singing and making the Montgomery family celebratory first day of school waffles. Motivated only by the strong cup of black coffee in her hand and the promise of waffles, Aria trudged into the bathroom to de-trollify herself. Looking mildly better, at least to Aria's standards, she trudged downstairs and swooped into the kitchen to get her waffles.

Aria ran her hands through her hair with a frustrated sigh. She hadn't heard anything from "A" in days and as far as she was concerned, silence meant one of two things. Either "A" was dead or, "A" was plotting. Aria was not particularly pleased with either possibility. With one last hopeful glance at her new home, she slid into her car and left for school. As she pulled up to the school she was relatively pleased.  As she made her way across the parking lot she failed to notice the pale blue jeep skidding towards her. Luckily it stopped right before it hit her, the grill 3 inches from her legs. She had already been hit by a car once before and she was in no mood to have it happen again. At least this was how she justified the string of colorful words she was screaming at the driver. With one last glare, she stomped off into the school, already hating the place.


Scott McCall's face was red with laughter as he watched his best friends eyes pop out of their sockets at the girl screaming curses at him. As she finally turned and stomped off, a very dazed Stiles Stilinski scowled at his best friend who was crying with laughter from the back seat of the car.

"Nice parking job Stiles," Scott stated with a grin as he hopped out of the car.


Aria bounced her leg nervously as she sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs in front of the principle's office. She quickly jerked out of her thoughts when a creepy looking old man approached her.

"You must be Aria Montgomery?"

 He inquired, voice dripping with false warmth. "Yes," she mumbled, not feeling comfortable with this man at all.

 "I'm your principle, Gerard Argent. Welcome to Beacon Hills."

A/NGerard is gross

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- Bean

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