Chapter 9

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I felt my heart beating out of my chest as this creature broke through the last barrier of light. Next thing I know his fist is coming straight for me. I jumped to the side, and watched as he missed me completely. While his back was turned I charged towards him. I jumped and kicked him with both feet. The creature tumbled forward, and I continued after him. I swiped with my light. I managed to hit him again, but not hard enough to keep him from making a move on me.

The creature grabbed a hold of my wrist, and tossed me across the ground. I felt my body smack the ground hard and roll. Slowly I got up, and I could feel my wrist throbbing from the creature's grip. That pain wasn't about to stop me though. With both hands I formed light blades, and ran straight towards the creature. He threw his arm out, and I duked. My left hand slashed at the creature, followed by my right. My quirk was doing very little damage to him.

All of a sudden I was picked up, and slammed into the ground. I felt the ground cave around me. The creatures fist came down and slammed into my stomach. I let out an ear piercing cry. The creatures fists didn't stop. I felt as if I was being hit repeatedly with a sledge hammer.

Even through all the pain I was currently feeling, I felt my anger brewing inside me. Why? Why was I so weak? How is it I can't even protect someone I care about? If I can't beat my rival, how could I possibly beat this creature? I could see his face now. His weird glowing eyes, and that terrible smirk that was always plastered to his face. All of it makes my blood boil.

"No," I whispered throwing my hand up to protect myself.

When I threw my hand up I was expecting a light barrier to form. Except it was a dark one. Slowly I managed to stand.

"I won't put up with it anymore," I shouted charging towards the hideous creature, "I'm a hero too. I told Shota I was protecting him now and I meant it!"

With the black flames I sent the creature flying to the ground. I was fast and made my next move. I threw a disc of dark flames towards the creature. The disk hit him, and he screeched loudly. The creature was on its knees. The disc had sliced through his shoulder blade leaving a huge gash over it. If it was any deeper his shoulder would be separating. I charged at him with my dark flames once again but this time I wasn't fast enough. The creature grabbed a hold of me by the waist and with both hands he squeezed. It felt as if the creature had gotten stronger.  I couldn't breathe due to how hard I was being squeezed. I couldn't even focus on my quirk. I was struggling to break free. I could barely move his grasp on me was so strong.

Right as I was going to give up, it tossed me aside. I hit the ground with a hard thud. I looked over to where it was at. The creature jumped in front of the villain in charge of this whole scheme. Next thing I know Deku punched it. His punch was so strong, clouds of dust went sweeping across the area. It felt almost as if an earthquake was happening. I couldn't see anything due from the clouds of dust.

As I began to cough I could feel how much pain my whole body was in. I tried to sit up but it was too much. I just laid there on the ground hopeless.

"Clem," someone said from besides me. I wasn't even able to turn and look at the person.

"Clem, can you walk?" He asked.
"N-no," I croaked.
"I'm gonna sit you up first," he explained, "then I'm gonna pick you up okay?"
"Mhm," I hummed.

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and start to pull me up. I groaned as the pain rushed over me. Once I was propped up the person was eye level with me. It took me a minute to focus but I felt relieved when I saw who it was.

"Shota," I mumbled, "I'm sorry."
"Sh," he shushed me, "we can talk later. Right now we need to get you out of here."

Shota wasn't mad. I could see in his eyes how concerned he was. He carefully wrapped my arms around his and placed me on my feet. With my arms still wrapped around his neck, he carefully swooped down and placed one hand behind my knees and the other was on my back.

As soon as I was in his arms, we started for the exit. I couldn't help but look up at his face. It was covered with blood, and his left hand was curled into a ball under my legs. I'm almost positive he needed a cast for it. Why was he carrying me then?

"Isn't your arm hurt?" I asked quietly.
"Yes," he replied, "but I can live through the pain if it means getting you to safety."

I wanted to say more but I felt so drained. My eyes were barely open at this point. At one point I saw All Might battling the creature. It seemed that he was having trouble defeating him. Back and forth punches were thrown. I could barely even tell what was going on. They were fighting way too fast for me to keep up with. I forced my eyes to stay open. I needed to see this through. Was he going to be able to defeat it? I watched with curiosity. All Might wasn't giving up. He was giving it his all. As the fight continued, I noticed that All Might was giving more than his all. With one final blow he sent the creature flying out of the USJ. I smiled at his victory. Of course All Might could defeat such a creature. I then closed my eyes feeling at easy due to the victory.

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