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Ok, so today in my agriculture science class I was doing my History homework because I finished my project, and I was just chilling with my bud, right?

Ok so do any of you remember that cat I used to draw? Yellowish with brown spots, the one who I based off a real life person that I had a huge crush on?

Well he's in that class. And I classify him as a friend.

So, he's just zooming around the room in his chair (it had wheels on it) and he comes zooming over to where me and my friend were sitting.

He goes, "Hey Mckenna (that's my name if you didn't know)"

Me - What

Him - We should go out sometimes

Me - •\\\• What

Him - do you want to go out sometimes, like I don't know.. are you free Friday?

My Friend - *is literally dying*

Me - Uhmm I-I don't know.. 0////0

Him - *zooms around next to my friend*

*a little later*

Him - Hey *not gonna day her name* can you move so I can sit next to Mckenna?

My Friend - you can just go around

Him - *zooms next to me and is basically leaning on me*

Me - 0///0

*a little later*

Me - *is walking around back to my desk*

Him - *is deleting all my tabs on my IPad*

Me - Dude, what in the world are you doing

Him - I'm deleting all your tabs

Me - Why.?

Him - So you can not worry about it and think about me

Me - •//•

Me - *sits down*

Him - see ya later! *zooms away*

Me - wtf just happened


part of me hopes he's not XD

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