The "Aphmau" Rant

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Okaayyyyy.... So I've been planning to talk about my opinions on Aphmau for a few days now, and I wanted to make it now, so... Yeah. Here are my thoughts on Aphmau, or Jess.

Warning, there may be Spoilers to stuff in here, I don't know how far some of you are if you watch Aphmau, so be warned.

Ok, so first of... A lot of people don't give Jess, Jason, and their crew enough credit for what they do. Heck I didn't give them enough credit for what they do. But I thought about it and realized,

They've been doing this for like... 3, maybe even 4 years now? I don't know it may be five. Actually wait, I started watching them in 5th grade when they were on Minecraft Diaries Season 1, Episode 60. Wait, I can check... No no, it was episode 53. Sorry.

Um, Laurence Undone, Episode 53 of Minecraft Diaries Season One, is the episode they were on when I joined the fandom.

That was three years ago. They've been doing this series, for three years, and probably plan to continue it from how things are going. And honestly, no offense to other Minecraft role-players but, Jess and her crew are the best Minecraft role-players, and set a model for those starting out.

What they are creating is beautiful, and they probably didn't expect to go this far. I remember seeing a really old Minecraft Diaries video, like, the very first Minecraft Diaries episode. Not season one, but... The original. The one where she was basically just playing around with mods, with no order, and practice.

She and her crew have come a long way, and at first it was only her and Jason, and what they made out of the series was amazing. An amazing storyline, great characters, themes, setting, all of it. And sure, the character Jess plays, Aphmau, is kind of a Mary Sue, but I feel like it's better that way.

Not saying that making Aphmau a non-mary sue is a bad thing. I think it would be better for the series if they made her less of a mary sue, but I feel it's better for the fans, whether they know she's a mary sue or not.

For those who don't know she's a mary sue, Aphmau will just be the best character to them. Someone they can... look up to. And I know this is stereotyping, but I feel most younger viewers, probably around the age of nine or ten think this. Yeah, yeah, I know its stereotypical, but I'm basing it off of my own, and some of my friends experiences.

Heck I didn't even know what a mary sue was back then. I didn't even know it was a THING!!

But, back to Aphmau.

I feel she'd be a better character as a mary sue for those who DO know that as well. It shows that even people like Jess, a person who writes brilliant stories and characters, can make mistakes. The series isn't perfect by no means, it definitely has some flaws to it, but I feel that it's better for people to see those flaws so that they-

A) know not to make those mistakes in any story/role-play they create, and B) Learn that not everything is perfect.

Another point I want to make, is that they branched off to other storylines, and not just Minecraft Diaries. They then went off to make MyStreet which turned into the more... humorous, side of the channel.

There are some things that were in MyStreet that I still find really funny. Like Garroth's obsession over Sprinkles, and then in Pixel Painters he found out about Aphmau being Sprinkles. And Garroth and saying, CAW CAWW!! I liked that too!

And Garroth with his little feather obsession, and thinking that was how to woo the ladies. Now that I think about mostly all of these were Garroth... Hm.

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