Mirrorverse (Original Story)

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Um. I did this awhile ago and forgot to post it. If you want to read it go ahead, it's basically just the lore of how the world was created and the different things and facts. So... Yeah. This is also the universe my ocs are in so.. yeahh.



Mirror World Lore-

Luminousria is one of the islands on the Mirror World. Or as the humans like to call it, second earth.

There are two islands on this Mirror World, Luminousria and its smaller islands, and Replimerica and its smaller islands.

Replimerica is a replica of America, obviously as you can see from the wordplay.

Why are there only two islands (and smaller islands) you ask? Well, after the first Earth was slowly being eaten away from low economics, wars, and little to no agricultural items, there were always rich people who could afford to survive a little longer. One of those people was a scientist who figured out a way to save his planet; create a new one.

I bet you're wondering how one human can make another planet, well, here's how. He was a well known scientist, and so he went to NAASA to explain his idea. The people at NAASA were also doubtful, but then he explained how this could work; They could send someone to another planet to gather materials off of that planet. They would come back, with the materials of course, and they would give them to the scientist.

The scientist then grabbed some raw Earth materials, with a little help of course, and started experimenting with the materials to combine them into one. His hypothesis ended up being correct, and he was able to create a small chunk of Earth two, or the Mirror World.

But how could he make another planet like Earth with such a small amount of materials you ask? He combines the planets. It was a long, and expensive, project, and it required extreme care, but once the two planets collided (if you're wondering they combined Mars and Earth since Mars already had Earth qualities), but yes, once the two planets collided, they formed to create a Mirror world. And the scientist can't say this project didn't harm anyone. In fact, almost half the Earths population had died in the making of this new planet. But the scientist had said, "If I didn't do this, no one on Earth would have survived, and there wouldn't be an Earth if I didn't complete the project."

Now, about the two islands, it turns out during the combination process, all of the Earths islands except for a few of them, and Mars created most of what was now Luminousria and Replimerica. There was another problem during the process of combining the two planets, and that was the fact that it also destroyed things as well. Of course, now all those trees and rubble have been replaced and regrown and fixed, but back then most things were destroyed. Not only the plants, but some of the land as well, but these days the two islands aren't complaining since it gave them more oceans, and rivers. As well as making the islands farther apart from one another.

That wasn't every little detail, but it was just the basics on how Earth 2 was created. Along that note, there were also some... Mistakes with the making of this new world. There was a lot of chemicals involved, and it pollutes the air to this day. You can't see it, and it doesn't affect the human body that much but... This chemical created new things. Formed things together. It also created mythical beings if in contact with a human. It's not a high chance, but it's happened before.

Like cat people, they were created when a baby accidentally ate some cat fur, and when in contact with the fur inside the baby when the child breathed in, it created new genes inside the child, turning him into a cat person. And, as I said before, the population was two times smaller, so Replimerica had no use for the second island at the time. But once people figured out what this kid was, they wanted to get rid of him. They thought he was diseased, and a monster, so he was banished to that island along with his wife and children (cat people have shorter life spans so they grow faster).

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