Today was... awful..

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Ok so, last night I was yelled at and left in the dark for shutting a door 'too loudly', and had to go to bed early. I cried then.

In the morning (this morning) I found out that four of the rabbit babies died, I cried in the car, in my 1st period class, my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period class. Cried in my last class. Cried on the way home from school, at home when I saw the babies. Cried when I was on my way to my councilors meeting, cried at home again at dinner, and after I fed the rabbits (while crying) I saw that...

Another one died. We had one rabbit left.

I cried again.

We were able to get the last one a place to sleep, and some milk, so he should be fine for now but... today was...

Not okay.

Some of my friends were absent too, so I couldn't talk to them about it, and just—

This is the most I've cried like, ever.

I've never dealt with grief. No one close to me has ever died, so I didn't know what to expect and— I just cried the whole day, basically...

I just had a really bad day, and I was also late to school, and if I'm late again, I get lunch detention, which means we have to eat on the stage, and people will look at you.

I can't handle that.

So... I just wanted to talk about today and vent about it idk

I'm just tired, and I want to go to bed now, so yeah. Maybe I'll post tomorrow, idk.. I've got work to do so, I probably won't be able to.

Ok well, ima go to bed now.. bye..

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