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Ok, so, I promised that I'd do Inktober everyday but, I just can't do it today. I have zero inspiration, and my mom is being just..... ugh.

And I also have to go to the fair which is in our town at the moment, and we'll probably be there for awhile so, I won't have much time to really do anything. But, I did write a song! Its a parody to Mansion by NF, and its is a project for my life skills class about drugs.

So if you wanna know what I wrote, and what I changed, feel free to ask! I may post it later. Who knows, maybe I'll even... No one really knows how I sing, and no one has ever heard me sing before so... Yeah.

Not that I CAN'T sing, I'm just... I don't think I'm good at it. And most of you can't really judge it of my voice because only like, two of you know what I sound like XD

*cough cough* BranchyPie *cough cough* 

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