This is... Um. Ironic?

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So, Branchy and I were talking the other day, you know talking about things, and we started to talk about how if you missed a single day of school from 8th grade and up, you're screwed.

Guess I'm screwed XD

I can't go to school today because I'm pretty sure I have the flu, and my parents think so as well.


But you know what? At least it's the first day of a new six weeks. Which for us, is a fresh clean slate. All our grades are reset, and we start from the top. So, I can probably just email all my teachers and ask what we did that day, because I for one, hate being behind on work, sooo, yeah.

And Branchy, don't think you got me sick buddy. You felt like you had strep, I don't.
Kinda. XD

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