Today's the Day

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Today's the day for my School of Rock Audition. I'm excited and nervous. I lost my voice over the weekend because I was sick and now it's back so I'm thankful! Also, everyone in Harmonics is auditioning for the two lead roles, Rosalie Mullins and Dewey Finn, and I'm audition for the role of Summer, though I'm not picky over roles, she's just my idealistic role.

Also I have some exciting news....

As of January second I get my braces off! After three years, I get to take out these suckers. I found out yesterday, best. Christmas present ever! Right before my competition season as well.

Another thing, Harmonic's competition season starts the first weekend in January, so I won't be on on certain Saturdays. Just a heads up for all the friends I roleplay with and talk to as well.

That's about it from me. Remember at this time of year, peace and love for everyone! ☮💟

Luv ya,

Rachel the Short Potato Daae

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