I'm a Noob

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So, today I was walking to my class as normal, when suddenly people were talking about going to their B day classes. I got confused, because here I thought it was an A day and I brought all my stuff for A day. So here I am with the wrong things for the day, freaking out. My phone died, which was weird since I charged it last night, so I had to text my mom through my friend's phone. My mom couldn't bring my things, so I talked with my teachers about it. They fortunately were understanding and told me I could turn in my homework the next day. Also, I'm sick and didn't have anything to drink all day. The only good thing that come out of today was I started voice lessons with my choir teacher. I know I have private voice lessons with someone else, but I feel this will help me grow even more.

The message of this is, I'm such a noob!

Luv ya,

Rachel the Short Potato Daae

Twisted Every RantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora