Farewell Fiero...

19 9 0

Legato Comcert Hall, Gemakarta City
21.00 pm, September 23 20XX

That night, I wasn't actually ready to really let him go. It was happening to fast. As he said those words, I began to see him even more brighter. Anna was holding herself to not cry infront of him. We were all expecting this, but we didn't expect it to be so soon.

Both of my parents were happy for him. They were filled with happiness for their first son. But, they will also miss him very much.

Everyone in the room was surprised with this. It was time for him to go....

"........ Fiero....I..." I couldn't say anything to him as I got closer to him and hugged him for the very last time. "I...I'm going to miss you so much...and...we'll always remeber you..." I said as I felt a tear drop trickling down my cheeks. Fiero stared at me and hugged me back.

That time, I remembered the good old days. Where I used to cry a lot and couldn't stand up for myself. He was always there for me. He would always hug me and solve any problem I had.

And I didn't realize that today will be my last timw with him...


"I...I want to be like you....I want to live a life like you." I said to him as I kept tearing apart. "I'm not even sure if I can be like you..." I said to him as I looked down unable to face him. Then, Fiero smiled warmly at me as he hugged me even tighter. "Eric...I believe in you..." he said to me calmly.

"You....you can never be like me because..." he trailed off...

"You can be better than me."

He said those words as he looked up and gazed at my parents.

"Mom...Dad....I love you guys so much...I'm sorry I have to leave you guys too soon...forgive me because..I couldn't give something great in my life for you ..." he said that as my dad went up stage and hugged him while I was still hugging too. "My son...you've done good in this world...and..you've given us something no one can ever give ......"

"A family...." he said to him as he kept hugging his most beloved son.

Arietta came up to him and hugged him tightly. "We love you...even though I never really had the chance to be with you... I'll always cherish this moment." She said to him as she tucked herself in. Fiero chuckled at her acts as he braided his little sister's hair.

My brother closed his eyes as he started to cry softly as well. He has shown us his very last song, and that was a mission accomplished for him. He started to glow even more as he stood up and got ready to leave.

"Eric.." he said softly as I looked up at him.

"Take care of mom and dad...especially Ary. I know you're going to be the best brother ever for her." He chuckled softly as I nodded and tried not to cry anymore. He closed his eyes and was lifted into the air.

He was glowing brightly as a warm smile curved on his face; meaning he could rest in peace. Before he went away, he gazed around at the main hall and then back to me. With his smile on, he took a deep breath and said out loud.

"Let music bring life to you and the whole wide world."

With that, he glew even more and finally vanished out of sight. I couldn't hold myself from crying. He trusted me in everything, and of course; I had to let him go.

He has made a long journey in this world, and might continue it in the after life.

But that wasn't the end....

Suddenly, a flash of light began to fill the room.

Everyone was surprised and thought there was going to be a disaster. We were terrified. Especially me; I really had no idea.

The light crept down the floor and then up to my body, until it covered every inch of the whole room.

What's going to happen to me?

What's going to happen to everybody else??

I wasn't sure of myself as I kept my eyes closed waiting for it to fade away.

When it was done...

I found myself in a place I would never expect to be...

You gotta be kidding me....


To be continued....

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