Look Again

42 11 6

Gemakarta, Indonesia
09.40 Pm, September 21 20XX

It was a sunny day with clouds here and there. As I looked outside of the window, I thought of so many things in my life......

Well, recently about my brother of course...

I was having chemistry in my class. I love chemistry! And so does Lona, well she is my rival though...

My teacher was explaining some things about atoms. Democritus, John Dalton, Rutherford, Bohr, and so much more. I've known them all. I yawned a little because I couldn't get any sleep for the last few days. As my teacher was still explaining about how Democritus thought of atom for the first time, my phone vibrated several times. Oh, I forgot to mention, phones are allowed in our school, as long as it doesn't disturb our lesson in class.

And it was disturbing....

It was a message from Danny....

Is he crazy or something? Why does he even need to text me.....

And the fact that he sits across me...

I turned to my right to see Danny on the second row of my right. He sits in the same line as mine. I'm at the third line, and the last is the fifth line. So I was right in the middle. He gave me the code to check my phone.

Is he trying to get me killed by our teacher?!

I tried to refuse. My chemistry teacher is very strict at times, especially when it goes to something like that. But since my teacher was still explaining and I've already known this lesson since I was still in third grade, I finally openned up my phone and checked the message on our group. Yes, we have a chatting group of our own. The members are me, Lona, Fanny, Danny, Mr.Bagus, Fredly, and Lyra.

I'm so getting busted....ugh...

As I openned the chat, I saw a few lines of new unreaded messages all the way down....


D4nny: "So, what about you're brother? When are we going to meet him? When are we meeting his friends?"

■L0nA♤ : "Are you stupid or something? We're in the middle of class! And now it's chemistry."

Fanny: "LMAO, why is everyone texting? 😅"

Fred145: "Shouldn't you guys be learning in class? My brother is gonna kick your ass if you don't. And shut the frick up Danny."

D4nny: "Wait why me? Did I do something?"

■L0nA♤: "You're disturbing our class Danny! If we're caught because of this, it's all your fault!"

D4nny: "At least we get to see Anna, am I right?😆 I'm a genius!"

Fanny: "Of course. Seeing her at detention though, how is that going to help? 😑"

Fred145: "Guys, I'm on a meeting right now, and you guys are killing me!"

D4nny: "So, don't read this :D. Am I right? It's simple like A B C, One Two Three Count with me!~."

Fred145: "😑😣😤😡 You're wasting my patience Danny...."

💖Lyra💖: "Wow, thanks for spamming my notifications in the middle of my Geography class -_-"

BAGUSisGreat15: "All of you are going to detention if you don't stop making my phone vibrate (you too Fred)! You almost made it fall from my desk! We can discuss this later!😠😠"

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