Chapter Thirty-One - I Don't Need a Wheelchair

Start from the beginning

"How is your pain?" She suddenly questioned, not looking up from what she was writing. 

I paused, realizing it was practically nonexistent. "Great, actually." 

She smiled again, nodding to herself. "We'd like to take a look at your stitches and change your dressings before we move forward with anything else."

"You're not going to sedate me again, are you?"

The woman laughed lightly and I saw a small smile creep across Samuel's face. "No," she clarified, "we're not."

I nodded and smiled back at the woman, relief flooding me. Though I wasn't intent on being sedated, I doubted I could have fought them off. 

"I'm going to grab some supplies and I will be right back." The woman nodded to us before exiting the room. 

Samuel stood up from the bed, stretching his arms high above him. He sighed heavily as he moved away from me, retreating to the arm-chair in the corner of the room. 

"You don't have to stay, you know," I told him, watching the door for the nurses to come back in.

He shrugged. "I'm not leaving."

The next hour was a blur. The woman brought in two other nurses to assist her and they all worked quietly and quickly. As they peeled back bandages and rubbed cream around my wound, the pain started creeping in once more. I promptly ignored it, knowing additional pain medicine would only add to my current state of exhaustion. So, I gritted my teeth and kept my face impassive. 

As they worked, they explained to me what they were doing and how my healing was progressing, but I didn't really pay attention. Most of their words were foreign, anyway. All I could gather was that it would take longer than preferable before I was fully functioning again. Though that knowledge was frustrating, it didn't surprise me. Traversing through the woods with two species out to kill you wasn't exactly a walk in the park. I realized too that the longer I stayed in the hospital, the longer I could postpone being locked away. 

Eventually, the nurses left. After they were gone, my wounds were cleaned, and various foods were forced down my throat, I was finally left on my own. Samuel, of course, stayed with me, but it was hard to pay him any attention. 

I leaned back on my bed once more, closing my eyes and drifting in and out of consciousness. Now that I wasn't moving, my pain was once again non-existent and I was left with a comfortable numbness. A calming silence filled each and every crack in the room, only adding to my relief. Samuel didn't attempt to speak to me but allowed me solace in my small reprieve. 

The remainder of the day proceeded like that. Easy silence with countless naps. The blonde woman would come in every few hours to check on me, but that was the only anomaly in an uneventful day. When the clock read well into the evening, I voiced a thought that had been lingering in my mind. 

"Can I see Will?" I questioned Samuel, lifting myself to face him.

He was currently sitting in his chair, though now it was now pulled obnoxiously close to my bed. Between that and the medical equipment, there wasn't much room. Samuel didn't seem to mind though, and he wasn't planning on moving his chair back anytime soon. 

"Hm?" Samuel opened one of his eyes. His arms were folded across his chest and he was leaning back, his head falling against the back of the chair. To anyone else, it would have looked like he was sleeping. I, however, knew he never slept unless I did. 

"I asked if I could see Will," I repeated in an even tone. My hands fidgeted with the blanket resting on my waist. I knew that he'd agreed to let me see my brother previously, but that was before I had a slight mental breakdown and had to be sedated. 

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