The first outfit was white jean shorts with a black tank top that said nope not today. The second outfit was dark wash jeans with purple t-shirt that just had number on it.

The next one was black t-shirt that said aero on it with a purple and white varsity jacket and light blue jeans and black combat boots.

What do you guys think so far I asked. I think you look nice Matt said to me well I think she looks hot Josh said laughing. I laughed thank you I said. I'm going to go put on the last outfit i said to them.  

And for this we need music Allie said going over to the stero. She plugged her phone into it and played you look good. I had to laugh as I finished getting dressed. I slide the boots on and had the belt buckle showing.

I finished the outfit with the necklace. I walked out in it and did a little spin. Both their jaws dropped, I'm guessing it looks good I said with a laugh yes it does Matt said trying to not stare at me. Allie bought me the necklace I said with a smile.

That's pretty Josh said with a smile. Allie had the song on repeat so the course kicked in and I started dancing around. Allie took my hands and started dancing with me.

You look good all day all night you look good so fresh so fine baby you look good. Hey mute that Matt said seeing a weather alert come up on t.v.

We all watched there was a huge storm coming and they advice everyone stays indoors and make sure you have the credentials they said. I'm taking the suv and going to grab some stuff from the store Matt said.

Take Lexy with you Allie said I don't want you going alone. Okay he said giving her a kiss let's go he said as we walked out the door. That's when I noticed the wind had picked up and there was storm clouds out.

Well so much for a little storm
I thought to myself. 
It's funny how the weather can go from sunny to this I thought. I climbed into the car and buckled up. He turned on the radio and can't take her anywhere was on he turned it up.

Matt was singing along and air druming while driving down the road. It made me his goofiness he just looked over at me and smiled.

Body like a back road was the next song. I was singing along with Matt to that one we arrived at wal mart about 4 songs later. We ran inside and it was a mad house but we split up.

Okay you go get these things bread milk and some of this stuff for dinner.  I'll get some canned food and bottled water and break he said clapping his hands together.

Hut Hut I yelled he gave me a shut up look and he went one way and I went the other.

We met at the cash register so we could check. On the radio at walart was do i make you wanna. So as me and Matt are waiting in a long line I start singing along. Matt joins me and we were just being ourselves.

There was an elderly couple behind us smiling. As we sang along and he spun me a couple times. Once the song ended the lady tapped Matt on the shoulder and he turned to look at her.

Yes he said, you and your girlfriend remind me of my husband and I when we were younger. Oh she's not my girlfriend Matt said laughing were just friends. Oh my bad she said you guys just seem like a couple is all she said.

Matt was a litle quiter after that , we paid for everything and headed to the car and started to rain. Hop on the back of the cart he said. I did he ran to the car. He made me get in and stay in I started the car so it could get warm.

I was thinking maybe that older lady made him uncomfortable with what she said. 

He got all the stuff in and hurried to get himself in the car. His warmed up a little before we headed for home.

As we headed home the car was being pushed by the wind. No stations worked cause of power lines being down. The rain had become blinding we couldn't see in front of us.

I'm going to pull over Matt said once he got into the tunnel. He pulled over and I tried to stay calm. Then the power in the tunnel went out the back up generator kicked on. The thing is that only lights up some of lights.

I started having a panic attack I hate tunnels. Hey calm down Matt said rubbing my back. Okay here I have an idea he said climbing into the backseat.

Come here he said I followed very shaky he helped me sit down next to him. From the backseat he was able to lean me against him. And rub my back in small circles.

I finally calmed down you okay he asked me. I nodded into his chest he started to stroke my face are you sure he said.

Yeah I'm good I said smiling, he was still stroking my face. When his hand rested under my chin and he tilted my head up to look at him. I looked into his eyes for a long time.

He was looking into mine he pulled ny chin closer and we started to kiss and not stop............

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