Chapter 7

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I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had to pee. After I went to the bathroom I was walking past Matt and Allies door and I could hear noises.

I knew they were having sex it that sent a stabbing feeling into my stomach. I went back and laid down on the couch and closed my eyes tight and pretended I heard nothing.

The next day I woke up to them being really lovey dovey with each other. So Melanie how did you sleep last night Allie asked me. She did this when they had sex she wanted to make sure I didnt hear them.

I slept fine but I also learned not to get up and go pee in the middle of night anymore I said. Her face went red and she started laughing well that's answers my question then she said.

So your daughter heard as having sex last night Allie said to Matt as he came into the room. His face kind of went red then he laughed sorry we thought you were sleep he said.

I was then I got up to pee you guys are married and married people have sex. I was looking at my phone and not at Matt I didn't want to see his face. Melanie what's going on with you Matt asked you seem upset about something he said.

I'm not upset just thinking about my date last night is all I lied. Did he upset you in some I warned him Matt said getting mad. No no no that's not it I said he asked me a question and I dodged answering it twice. And I know it's going to come up again not ready for it yet I said. Well what was the question Matt asked me , he asked about my childhood I said.

He wanted to know if it was a good childhood was I happy or what. Matt came over and hugged me tightly hey you talk about that with him when your ready he said.

I know just wish he didn't want to know my past. Anyways I don't want to talk about I said shaking my head. Okay well are sure that's all going on Matt asked.

Yes I'm sure I said even though I wasn't. So have you heard from him today since your date last night Allie asked. Yea we've been texting I smiled good I'm happy for you she said to me.
My phone beeped I had a text from Jordan.

Jordan- So I want to know more about you

Me- like what ?

Jordan- well since a text is more private maybe you'll tell me about your childhood

I looked and rolled my eyes at the message. Everything okay Matt asked me seeing my expression, I handed over my phone and showed him.

Matt handed me back my phone and picked up his and walked away.

Me- so what are your plans for today

Jordan- alrighty then just got off work so nothing really

Me- sounds boring lol

Jordan- you really told Matt about me asking about your past

Me- he asked me why I looked annoyed I showed him the message that's it I just don't want to talk about it yet

Jordan- whatever I don't I understand the big deal but okay

Me- do you want to talk about your childhood with me

Jordan- I will if you ask

Me- I'm just not ready is all

Jordan- okay well I'll message in a little but have to handle something important with my boss

Me- okay talk to you soon

I set my phone down I don't understand what his issue is. Why does he want to know about my past so bad. I don't want to talk about it I'm not ready I thought.

Matt walked into the room I told him to stop pushing you about your past. I appreciate it just not something I'm ready to talk about yet. And I understand that so when you are then you talk about it Matt said walking away. I sat there thinking about it for a bit I really hope he stops asking about my past just I cant tell him not yet.

Hey Allie said scaring me coming into the kitchen and snapping me out of my thoughts I was wondering if you wanted help me out today. What do you need my help with I asked her just cleaning the house and getting some stuff in order. I can do that I said its not a problem we will listen to music while we work she said. Well of course you cant clean without music pretty sure there is some kind of law about that I said laughing. Hey hun I am heading to work Matt said giving Allie a kiss he started to walk away but she pulled him back and kissed him again and made it longer and deeper. I looked away cause I couldn't watch them make out just couldn't do it, sorry Allie said I know you watching your parents kiss isn't something you want to do she laughed.

Yea not really I said even though that wasn't the reason , I am headed out he said as he walked out the door after that. So lets clean she said I hooked up my phone to the blue tooth speaker and we played music.

I didn't realize we had been cleaning all day. We were finishing the kitchen now and the song get low by Liam Payne came on.  It's his new song so we started dancing around the kitchen finishing up the cleaning.  Matt came in and we didn't hear him at all and we were dancing around with our backs to him.

He took it upon himself to start recording us.  When we turned around we started screaming at him. He was laughing so hard hey I thought it was priceless he said.

Plus you dance very sexy baby he said to Allie. Well thank you she said kissing him I turned away as they kissed. Well pizza should be here soon I said interrupting there make out session. We thought since we cleaned all day pizza would be good for dinner.

Sounds good to me he said smiling. I forgot to mention Jordan will be joining us for dinner tonight. Oh that's fine hun Allie said we ordered enough pizza trust us she said laughing.

I felt nervous since Jordan would be joining us. I'm going to get a shower before the pizza and Jordan get here I said nervously and left the room.

I grabbed my bag and before I got the bathroom Matt stopped me. I'm sorry Jordan needs to really talk to me i don't want you to feel pressure.

I'm fine I lied and tried to walk past him. You do know that I can read you he said stopping me.  Listen you can hang out and mine an Allies room the whole time he is here if you want. I will be okay I said just don't want to be bugged again is all.

Well I told him to let that go and he said would. I relaxed a little hearing that okay good I'm going to shower now. I walked into the bathroom and took a sigh of relief hope this dinner goes well I thought.

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