Chapter 3

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So Matt and Allie were having a cookout today and all there family was coming and so was my mother. Matt had his phone blue toothed to the speakers and was blasting music. I liked his selection of music we both have same taste in music. AT this current moment we were listening to Kane Brown he was singing to Allie.

What if i just pulled you close what i i leaned in and the stars lined up and its are last first kiss. I loved the song a lot and I was singing it under my breath. I couldn't help but watch him with her. I hope one day someone looks at me like he is looking her right now.  i want someone to look at me like I am there entire world.

I looked away from them after a little bit and figured people will be arriving soon. I stared making sure everything was ready I was singing along to another song that came on. My one thing is i don't let people hear me sing and I didn't notice Matt had walked into the kitchen where I was. He was recording me by the time i turned around it was to late. I stopped singing you shouldn't stop you have a great voice he said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes that better not go online I said to him.

Well its little late for that since I was kind of live at the time he said with a smirk my face dropped. If it helps everyone agrees with me you have an amazing voice Melanie don't be afraid to sing sweetie he said walking away. I smiled a little bit but I was still completely humilated by this. I headed outside where everyone was and more were still arriving.

Some of them had seen the live video on there way here and said I have an amazing voice I kept telling people thank you while glaring at Matt. Note to self kill him later I thought you know taking a picture would make it last longer Madison said making me jump. See Madison isn't family she is just a friend of mine they told me I could invite.

She also knew about my crush on Matt she was the only person I told because what are best friends for.  Shut up I said to her laughing hey ill give you this at least he is good looking unlike your exs she said. Oh shush I said to her with a smile I hate how much I like him but its okay I'm good I said to her. Yea see that was a lie and even Maury could have seen that without the test she said.

Anyways I said you look good I love the outfit see Madison is very beauitful girl she medium highet fair complected skin and has long red hair. She is not super skinny but she isn't fat at all she has a nice butt I can say that she is also a huge smart ass but still my best friend. So I seen the live she said with a smile shut up I don't want to talk about it I said.

She laughed and pushed some hair out of her face I swear this girls hair looks more red in the sun. The sun was nice in the sky today and it was kind of a hot one but not overly hot. I am so mad he did that me I said throwing my head back why its an awesome video and you sound great she said. Look your only embarssed about this cause you have feeling for Matt she said real low so nobody would hear.

So what are you girls over here whispering about Matt said coming out of no where I really hope he didnt over hear what she said. Just about how we cant wait for the bonfire when it gets dark Madison said quickly I smiled and nodded. He looked between us both before saying my bonfires are epic we laughed and he walked away.

Okay that was way to close I said letting out a breath i didnt even know I was holding. later that night the fire was going and music was playing and Matt and Allie had a song come on called holden her and Matt took Allie into his arms and started dancing by the fire. I watched them dance for a little bit and then finally I just walked away.

The song finally started to fade and I looked back at the fire just in time to see him look deep into her eyes and kiss her as the song ended. I had gone inside for a jacket cause it was getting kind of chilly out anyways.When I came back out one of my songs was on called My Girl by Dylan Scott. Everyone was having fun dancing around the fire I was dancing a little to I was like why not just have some fun I can let it get to me hes married.

All the sudden Slow Hands came on BY Niall Horan and Allie came over to me and started dancing with me. We were laughing about it and having fun Madison had left not long ago cause she had to work in the morning. I know that at times I didn't feel jealous of Allie moments  like this for example dancing around the fire. The night started to come to an end everyone was gone my mom never came but she texted that she got busy.

I was out on the front porch listening to the water and seeing the moon glimmer off of it I loved how pretty it was. Hey I'm headed to bed Allie said to me coming out onto the porch. Okay love ya i said love you to goodnight and she went back inside. Matt came out to smoke your out here alot he said I swear sometimes I wonder who loves the view more me or you he chuckled.

just love the ocean I said with a smile so I have a question for you Matt said to me smiling I looked at him oddly okay shoot I said. I have this friend i think you might like and I happen to know he likes you. Okay I said with a smile i guess in a way it hurt that he wanted to set me up with someone but I want to meet a decent guy I want to meet a guy that looks at me the way he looks at his wife.

Alright I will meet this guy but first tell me some stuff about him so that I am prepared I said to Matt. Okay well he is a friend of mine he works in town he makes decent money hes mixed hes a nice guy to be honest Matt said. Okay well how about his name that would be nice to know as well just saying. Oh good point his name is Jordan he is a really good guy and i feel you finally deserve to be happy Matt added.

well sounds like he is a nice guy and I am willing to meet him and talk to him I said thanks for trying to help me find happiness I said. Well your like a daughter to me and I want you to be happy he said. Well that kind of stung I am like a daughter to him I mean it makes me happy and sad at the same time I shook it off. Well I cant wait to meet him I said I am going to go get ready for bed. Alright goodnight get some rest Matt said I walked inside and got into my pjs which was some plaid pants and a black short sleeved shirt that said netflix and chill on it. I looked in the mirror at myself and hated how I looked all I could see was my rolls and how gross I was. I picked up the razor on the sink and started slicing at my wrist.

I finally stopped and I had 6 new cuts on my wrist I knew i had to cover there so I looked in my bag i took into the bathroom with me real fast I changed into a purple long sleeve pj top that said life is pizza. I hid the razor in my bag and cleaned the blood out of the sink and made sure I had stopped bleeding as well before leaving the bathroom. I laid on the couch and made sure my sleeves were pulled down good. I saw Matt come in goodnight he said and went into his and Allies bedroom. All i could think is I hope I can hide these cuts tommrrow.......

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