Chapter 17

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I couldn't find anything to watch so I turned off the tv. I sat there and kept thinking about my Daydreams about Matt lately. I really wanted him lately I just want to kiss him.

Hey Matt said coming into my room making me jump. Hey what's up I said to him. Look I know you saw me and Allie today I also know you were crying in the shower later what's going on.

It's nothing just been thinking a lot but I can handle it I said. What have you been thinking about he asked me. Just I can't talk about it right now I said but I'm okay promise.

He deeply sighed but he let it go fine don't tell me he said. I just wish you would understand you can trust me.

It's not that I don't trust you I said it's that it's way to personal. He looked at me confused okay well I'm good with personal but okay whenever your ready I'm here he said.

He hugged gave me a hug he smelled nice. Don't know what kind of Cologne he was wearing but it smelled amazing. I'm always here if you need me remember that Matt said to me.

I know I said he pulled away and got up to leave. He turned back around and oh and dinner will be done in 30 minutes he said.  Okay I said not really wanting to eat but knowing I had to.

Matt left the room and I checked the time I'm able to call Jordan now.  It rang 3 times before he picked up.

Hey baby girl he said sounding happy. Hey babe you sound happy I replied , I am happy because very happy he said.

Why are you so happy today I asked? Because I got a promotion at work to head boss of the construction crew. Which means more money and taking my beautiful girlfriend out this weekend to celebrate he said.

Sounds amazing babe I'm so proud of you I said. Congratulations you are a hard worker and deserve this babe. Thank you well I have to go because it's Wednesday which means dinner with my aunt he said.

Alright babe go home grab a shower text me and have a nice dinner. And tell your aunt I said hi also. I will babygirl he said I'll talk to you later.

Talk to later I said hanging up the phone. I smiled I'm really happy for him I thought. Melanie dinner is ready I heard Allie shout from the other room.

Okay coming I said and left my phone in my room and went to dinner. So Melanie I wanted to run something by you Allie said after I made my plate and took a seat.
Alright what's up I said looking at her weird. Matt and I wanted to know how you feel about staying with Jordan this weekend. I wouldn't mind it why I said still trying to figure out what she's asking.

Matt and I just want some time just me and him she said. Yea I can call Jordan and make sure he's okay with it later. That would be great sweetie thank you Allie said cheerfully.

I could tell Matt was watching me carefully. He has been the whole time she was asking like he was waiting for me to react badly. I ate less then half my dinner I wasn't very hungry.

I'm done I said clearing my plate. I am going to go to my room and figure out some stuff to pack this weekend I said. Condoms would be a gold start Allie said laughing.

Haha so funny I said rolling my eyes and leaving the room. I was sorting through my clothes when there was a knock on my door. Come in I said while still looking through my clothes.

Can we talk Matt said coming into the room. Sure I said what's up, just want to make sure your okay. Why wouldn't I be okay I said looking at him crossing my arms.

Just don't want you to feel like we don't want you around is all. I don't feel that way you guys want some time alone I get that I said.

Besides why would you think it'd bother me I asked. Nothing he said quickly just making sure is all. Well I'm going to finish this I texted Jordan already he said that it's fine.

He will be here Friday morning at 9 to get me. Okay sounds good he said I hope you have fun at his place Matt said. Matt left the room after that and I finished packing.

I put my bag next to my bed and it was late. I knew Jordan was in bed so I didn't text him. I went out on the balcony and looked at the stars.


Hey Matt said coming out onto the balcony. The reason I thought this weekend would bother you is cause he stopped. Is cause why I asked him. He stepped closer maybe cause of this he said leaning in and kissing me.

He kept kissing me and I kissed back. He pulled away and looked at me I've been wanting to do that for a long time he said.

I was snapped out of my daydream by Allie coming out to the balcony. When you didn't answer to my knocking I knew you were out here she said. Hey Allie I said trying to not feel guilty right now.

It's weird seeing the wife of the guy you have daydreams about after a day dream. So hun I hear Jordan is coming to get you Friday morning. Yes he is I said with a smile.

Well I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow. I want to get a outfit to wear for Matt and I could use your opinion.

You want me to go lingerie shopping with you I said. Yes she said and get out hair done and nails what you think she said. Sounds like fun I said I can't wait.

Yay she said be ready by 11 tomorrow morning. Will have lunch then go to our hair appointment. That I already made cause I knew you'd say yes.

I laughed she knows me to well who turns down shopping I said. Exactly and they got knew weave in and it's my treat she said. She knew I'd been wanting to do something knew with my hair so I was excited.

I also felt weird going Lingerie shopping with her. Okay great she said jumping up and down clapping. See you in the morning she said going back inside.

I laughed and looked back at the moon tomorrow should be interesting I thought......

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