Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day to my wrist hurting more than it usually does when I cut. I went to the bathroom and unwrapped my wrist carefully and grabbed the peroxide I dumped so on my cuts and tried not to scream. Let's just say I failed epically and Matt came rushing into the bathroom.

He saw what I was doing and grabbed some numbing cream and put it on my wounds then he wrapped my cuts back up. You okay he asked yea I'm alright thank you I said to him.

He went out to the living room with his wife they were sitting on the couch together. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her oh I forgot to tell you Jordan is stopping by today so get dressed he said.

I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom to get ready I picked out an outfit that was a strapless purple top with a black and purple stripped glove where my fingers come out to cover my wrist. With that I also had a pair in light colored blue jeans I straightened my hair and then did my makeup.

I looked in the mirror and hated how I looked but went out to the living room anyways. You look really good Allie said to me with a smile , and good is code for ugly I thought but replied with thank you and a fake smile. I went to the kitchen where Matt was you look beautiful sweetie he said to me.

I wish I felt beautiful I thought but again I just replied with a thank you and a fake smile.  Hey I mean that he said pulling me into a hug you look beautiful okay he hugged me tight.

There was a knock at the door and Matt went to answer it , well hello Jordan come on in. Jordan was talk about the same hight as Matt , Jordan was cute I'll give him that he had a slight tint to his skin and black hair with blue eyes his muscles were nice as well.

So Jordan this is Melanie she is like a daughter to me and Melanie this is Jordan he said with smile. I've got to do a few things so you guys get to know each other he said walking away.

You look beautiful Jordan said to me with a smile.  Thank you I said you look nice yourself there. He was wearing dark blue jeans and and  a black Tshirt.

Well thank you he said tell me a little bit about yourself he said to me. I'm 22 I love to read and write I like music I play guitar and I guess something you should know
I have seizures sometimes.

Now your turn I said to him okay well I am 21 I love to cook and I can't sing or dance at all. I love to draw and I'm very good at it I work at a construction company I make good money as well.

That's good I said when Matt and Allie came into the kitchen so how's it going Allie asked us with a smile. It's been going good I said to her good Matt wrapped his arms around Allie from behind and pulled her close to him.

He kissed her back and told her he loved her she said it back of course. I pretended not to care as I always did so Melanie do you want to go on a date tonight with me Jordan asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked over at Matt and Allie and they both had the same look say yes. I'd love to I said to Jordan with a smile awesome I'll be back here around 7 he said before leaving.

See I told you Matt said he's a really good guy I'm happy for you. Thanks I said with a smile so I'm going to go for a walk before this date I said putting my shoes on and grabbing my phone.

I left the house and started walking toward the beach. Once I got there I let the salty ocean air take me in.  There was a nice breeze going I loved how this felt right now.

You okay I heard from behind me I jumped it was just Matt. I'm good I said just really love the beach is all I said to him. Really he said what's going on with you because you have been weird lately.

I'm okay just nervous for my date tonight plus the whole jimmy thing has just had me on edge is all. He looked like he didn't believe me but he let it go for now thankfully.

Well I hope you have fun he said to me with a smile. Yea me to I said not very convincingly I started walking along the shore line took my shoes off. Matt followed me are you not ready to date yet he asked me ?

It's not that just I don't know I guess just don't want to get hurt again. Just know if he hurts you I'll hurt him is all Matt said stopping me from walking and hugging me.

I hugged him back come on let's head back so you can be ready for your date he said. Okay we started to walk back in there i go in my head again.


We are walking on the beach when he takes my hand. Then he stops and makes me face him I really want to try something he said. What's that I asked a little nervous about what he wanted to try.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. He put his hands on my hips and kept kissing me. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at me.

He pressed his forehead to mine and decided to kiss me again. For some reason standing along the shoreline we couldn't stop kissing each other.

We're back home Matt said snapping me back to reality. Damn that walk seems shorter and shorter each time I said laughing.

Yea and when someone is daydreaming it goes super fast he laughed. What were you daydreaming about he asked me with a smile. Umm nothing I'm going to go get ready I said heading inside very fast.

I grabbed a quick shower so I wouldn't smell like the ocean. And then looked in my bag I was staying with Matt and Allie for a few weeks so I had a lot of clothes with me.

I found an outfit that worked for me. It was a pair of dark blue jeans and a cold shoulder blue top that my friend had made me. Plus I added a black and white stripped glove as well to hide my cuts.

Melanie your date is here I heard Allie shouted from the living room. Matt and Jordan were talking when I walked in wow you look beautiful he said. Thank you I said even though I knew he was lying to me I am no where near beautiful.

Make sure you bring her back here no later then 11 Matt said. I laughed really your giving me a curfew I said. Yes you have to take your meds by 11 and they make you tired so by 11 no later. Okay you have a good point there I said rolling my eyes.

I'll have her back here by 11 Jordan said to me. We headed out the door and before got outside remember what I said Jordan I meant it Matt said.

Yes sir he said as we left we headed to his car which was an awesome truck. He had a 2016 Toyota Tacoma it was black and had leather seats. Omg this truck is amazing I said to him.

Yea I got it last year after income tax payments aren't cheap but it's worth it for Sandy he said. Really you named your truck Sandy I said laughing.

Look don't judge me he said laughing. I went to open my door but he beat me to I climbed in and took a seat and buckled up. He closed my door and went to his side and got in.

So where are you taking me I asked. You'll just have to wait and see he said with a smile as we pulled out of the driveway.

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