-Remarking the truth about forever [Chapter 72]

Start from the beginning

“I’m not touching your hair Nialler.”

Louis chuckled then Niall opened his eyes quickly realising his surroundings and then looking up at me.

“Oh, hey you.”

He smiled sitting back up.


I giggled. He smiled kissing my temple before placing an arm around me and pulling me closer, I rested my head on his shoulder as he began to run his fingers through my hair again.

“I see Niall’s woken up. You two are cute when you cuddle.”

Zayn chuckled only earning himself a smile from Niall.

“All the time then.”

Liam joked and I raised my eye-brows.

“Shut up Liam. I like cuddles.”

I retorted. Everyone just smiled at us. I liked this moment. It was small and seemed like nothing but maybe just at that moment everything was just calm and relaxed for once. Cuddling with Niall while getter minorly teased and complimented by everyone else, everything was not far from perfect.

“Well you know if you ever get bored of Niall. I’m pretty good at cuddling too.”

Zayn smirked giving me a wink as he scooted closer to me. Swatting him away I snuggled further into Niall.

“Go away Zayn or I’ll have to hit you again.”

“Ooooh wouldn’t want that mate. I reckon she bruised ya’ earlier.”

Harry chuckled and Zayn just rolled his eyes sinking back into his seat defeated, again.

About ten minutes later we were at mine and Ellie’s house so I knew that the next time I would see Niall would be when I had to say goodbye to him for another 2 and a half weeks. I barely survived last time and now everything’s just got worse and I don’t even know what I’m going to do because right now he’s the only thing keeping me going.

“What time are you coming over tomorrow?”

Niall asked pulling me onto his lap and placing my legs either side of his waist.


I estimated leaning my forehead on his.


He tried, I shook my head.

“My Mum won’t let me.”

I could see how he wanted to say something else but held back because everyone was watching and if they weren’t then they could hear us.

“Half five?”

After some consideration I gave in.


“Good. I hope you’re feeling organised tomorrow because I’m not.”

He chuckled and I smiled.

“I’m always organised.”

“I’ll hold you to that. I’ll text you and try and Skype you tomorrow, yeah?”


I concluded and he gave me a sad smile brushing some of my fringe from my eyes before closing the gap between our lips.

“Do me and yourself a favour, okay? Go straight to bed and don’t go over-thinking again. You need your sleep, I can tell.”

He whispered to me. I nodded biting my lower lip before kissing him again; I let the kiss linger for a few more seconds before breaking it and sliding off his lap my fingertips still brushing his reluctant to lose his touch again. It made me feel so much safer, like I was un-touchable from all the things that were out to get us at the moment. My Mother couldn’t force me or split us up, neither could management, Faye couldn’t put me down nor mostly of all when in active discussion about it I didn’t feel so worthless and ugly anymore.

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